Tag Archives: social media

Social Media Marketing Figures 2013

So who are the main players in social media right now? We have a list running through some of the most prominent social media sites and why you should consider using them for your business. Check out the infographic below to learn more about these sites and how they are growing.

  • Facebook is still on top, not surprising really. It now has over 1.15 billion users, 50% of which log in every day. Just think of all those potential customers. Due to Facebook being so regularly experienced on mobile, users are exposed to marketing and brands even more frequently outside of the home.
  • Google+ has shot past the competition into second place and is now the fastest growing network ever! If that’s not reason enough to jump on the wagon, how about the fact that using it can make your business much more discoverable.
  • Twitter remains an important player. With 36% of marketers finding a customer via Twitter in 2013, you should consider making this top microblogging location a part of your marketing mix.
  • LinkedIn should be an obvious choice for any business looking to make connections, check out competitors, share content and keep up with the business world. Even more so now that it has over 200 million users.
  • Flickr, Instagram, Pinterest and other image based networks might not be the right fit for every business, but if they are for yours, you should rush to them and get interacting with their user bases. Instagram alone is 137 million strong!

See the original infographic here and check out some more affiliate marketing infographics on pinterest.

Social Media Marketing Figures 2013

Getting the Most ROI From Your Social Media

Getting the Most ROI From Your Social MediaSocial media is very common for today’s business and many brands are doing all they can to establish themselves via these platforms. As many big brands have learned social can be a very challenging platform when it comes to measuring return on investment.

For companies that developed on conventional metrics and advertising models, it can be troubling understanding how valuable the online ROI is to their brand. Luckily, there are several must-know social media ROI growth tools that can be used to help succeed in this emerging marketing area.


The internet is full of user-generated content, chatter, tweets, videos and blog posts. You can empower participation by addressing customer concerns, fixing problems and harnessing the authority of brand advocates.

Remember, it is easier to fix problems than it is to ignore them. People are looking to interact and establish relationships with brands on the web. Indulging those fans through social interactions, real replies and product giveaways separate the companies or businesses that succeed from those that get stuck in the dark.

Keep Content High Quality

You should make sure that all content you publish is premium. Take advantage of Tumblr, social media and WordPress to craft strong messages. Be familiar with the rules and ensure you follow them.

Each network calls for a particular approach and language (Facebook posts are not written in a similar manner as tweets for example). Abide by a calendar for posting, and center on making the followers feel as part of the brand’s family. Applying platforms solely as selling instruments rapidly alienates clients. Employ social media experts and fight the lure to convert websites into content farms or computerized feeds.

Be Real

It is impossible to fake it on the web. You might think you have it all under control but people will smell your lies, and this will not go well for your brand. Very committed brand advocates who support your product will be the initial ones to make a noise when they sense shady behaviour or content which does not tie in with the brand culture.

When unsure, it is advisable to ask your community for assistance whenever it comes to content (they will appreciate being taken into consideration).

Incorporate Real-Time Apps

Integrate social media in all aspects of what you do. A good number of companies using Twitter feeds, ratings, reviews and comments on homepages have increased user engagement. Although this might sound very easy, adding these tools is very crucial. It empowers users to connect and share content. Moreover, constant updating betters search engine visibility more than pages that are static.


If you do not risk something, you will gain nothing. This is true, particularly as far as social is concerned. Test tone, style as well as fresh monetizing tools, for example ‘native advertising’, which supplies sponsored content, Facebook stories and also tweets. As social media is always changing it is very important to keep experimenting with new strategies and tools to keep at the very forefront of this medium.

Our guest blogger, Jon, works with many large brands social media accounts in Perth. When not on the laptop, he is out surfing the waves of the Australian coast.

Why Is Social Media Such An Important Part Of Web Traffic?

social media web trafficSocial media is in the spotlight of all SEO companies after recent changes to Google algorithms. It’s now the number one way of increasing the amount of web traffic flowing through to your website. It’s led to questions about what this is going to mean for other SEO methods and whether this has changed the way every website has to approach promotion.

What Happened?

Google Penguin and the updates after it led to various SEO metrics changing. Whilst we can’t prove this because Google won’t reveal how much each factor influences ranking, SEOs have reported how the effects of their techniques have changed. The value of hyperlinks and keywords has dropped significantly. The highest metrics are social media.

Obviously, Google+ gets the most emphasis since this is backed by Google. Twitter and Facebook follow close behind.

The Drive to Relevancy

The SEO rankings are designed to help the most popular websites appear at the top and the least popular to appear at the bottom. In the past, they’ve been relatively easy to manipulate. It’s why you could type a search string in and get results completely unrelated to what you were looking for.

Google has always wanted to make the sites at the top more relevant to you. They want to make sure the most popular websites reach the top. The easiest way to do this is to take social media into account. If people are talking about something it means it’s more popular.

Now you have to rely on other people to increase your SEO ranking. You can’t just pay an SEO company to make a few backlinks. You need to rely on total strangers to promote you.

What Does this Mean to You?

In short, companies have to cater to their customers for the first time. Their marketing campaigns need to be less self-serving. If they’re to succeed, they have to produce content that people like and that will actually want to share. You can rate how hard this is depending on what category you’re trying to target.

If you’re involved in building or accountancy, you’ll have to rely on customer reviews and testimonials. Blog owners can rely on funny and amusing pictures and stories. The latter will need to focus more on social media than the former, though.

Does it Change the Way You Promote Yourself?

It doesn’t mean older SEO techniques are now irrelevant. Webmasters still have to optimise their websites if they’re going to succeed in ranking highly in the Google search rankings. All it means is you’re going to have to sign up to the big three or four social media websites, and these are:

  • Facebook.
  • Twitter.
  • Google+.
  • LinkedIn (assuming you’re more business orientated).

It doesn’t take much to fulfil your social media quota. There are so many plugins and add-ons which automatically share your information to your social media channels. Make sure you get full email notifications of any direct messages from these websites. Try to encourage interaction by replying to any and all queries you receive.

Today’s guest post is authored by Neal Henderson. He is a popular freelance writer and a SEO genius. He has written many SEO, business and computer related articles. He recommends megawebtraffic to his readers who want to increase their Google page rank.

The Future of Marketing; Analytics Vs. Wisdom

Read my latest article about the future of marketing and how analytics will play a big role, but not the final word… http://bit.ly/i8e0Pl

By Peter Marino; the Senior Partner of reelWebDesign.com a social media marketing and web design firm in NYC.

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