Category Archives: Organic SEO

Video in Your Online Marketing Mix

Video-Marketing-Techniques-to-Boost-Your-Online-Marketing-SuccessMost of us are aware that visuals are entertaining, engaging, easy to digest, and highly shareable. In fact, you only have a few seconds to grab an Internet user’s attention. No marketing tool does this more than video! Video brings your story to life, allows your business to reach a broader audience, and increases your marketing impact.  If your video is short and to the point, with clear takeaways, it will be a great addition to your overall promotional strategy.

Each day, more than 100 million Americans watch online videos, an increase of 43
percent since 2010.  And, by 2016, online video could account for over 54 percent of all
Internet traffic (VideoMind). Those are some powerful stats that show the impact videos can have in connecting a brand with its audience. How do you get your video in front of people’s eyes? YouTube, Vimeo and other social media outlets are great ways to get your videos noticed and watched but you must use a mixture of content amplification networks, social sharing and good old SEO to make your videos work for you.

If you’re interested in adding video to your marketing mix please give us a call and see our corresponding video production and marketing page to get started.

By Peter Marino, the owner and SEO Expert at

How SEO Training Can Skyrocket Your Businesses Online Success

SEO Training in NYC Westchester and CT

Search Engine Optimization Training Can Help Your Business Succeed in a Competitive Market

The web is an extremely competitive environment that is very difficult to obtain even the slightest attention from possible customers.  Therefore, you need to be on the first page of search results for certain keyword terms that are searched on Google.  This is a difficult task even for the best SEO companies out there and an even more difficult task for a small business that is busy with the day to day task of keeping their company afloat.  So how does a small business or start up get on the first page of Google without breaking the bank?  SEO training, or search engine optimization training, may be the answer to your companies needs.  SEO training allows you to work on some of the SEO tasks necessary to get on top of the search engines without paying a company to do all of the work. I call this a “shared SEO package” where you pay for some of the work to be executed by a professional SEO company while offsetting the cost by learning how to perform the basic on page SEO and automated tasks yourself.  This “shared SEO package” is initiated by having someone on your staff or yourself learn the basic search engine optimization tasks through an SEO training company that will come to your place of business and show you step-by-step how to implement on page SEO using your HTML editor or your content management systems editor.  This hands on process will allow you to learn in the environment you’re familiar with and give you personalized attention to your companies SEO needs.  A good search engine optimization training course will also inform you of the best SEO tools and tracking technologies to show improvements in rank, page-views, bounce rates and time on site.

Whatever your business provides to customers SEO is one of the most effective online marketing strategies you can implement.  Normally over 50% of all visitor traffic comes from search engines, so ranking high for certain keyword terms is vital for the success of your business.   Being seen on the first page of Google also promotes a strong local and/or national brand visibility for your business, depending on your search strategy and focus.

In a world where we are bombarded with marketing messages hundreds or even thousands of times per day the choice to take control over your SEO is probably the most sound advice you can make as a business owner.  Because search engine optimization gets your website to stand out in front of the customers that are actively searching for your service or product.  For a comparatively low marketing budget outlay, SEO also maintains your marketing presence 365 days a year, ensuring that you climb  to the top of Google’s fabled first page status, thereby giving you an edge over your competitors.

Good SEO training can make a huge difference in both marketing spend and long term return on investment (ROI) by preparing your staff or yourself to take control of your online presence.

SEO Training Expert Peter MarinoBy Peter Marino the owner and SEO training expert for We teach in house SEO and social media training while also providing supportive SEO services to lessen the time and work necessary to optimize your businesses success.

Protect Your Website Against Google Algorithm Updates

google hummingbird updateChanges in Google algorithm updates can put the fear into even the most successful of affiliate marketer. The changes can affect search engine optimisation ranking, and can mean the difference between obtaining healthy traffic volume to a site, or not at all. Here’s all you need to know to ensure your website is as protected as possible against future Google algorithm updates.

Make your content unique

It’s been no secret that Google has been waging war with websites that produce low quality content. What this means as an affiliate marketer is that you really need to ensure that the content you provide on your site is meaningful, interesting and unique. Don’t copy from any other sites, and always try to think about how you are adding value to what you produce. Consider using a tool such as Copyscape to check your work isn’t duplicated.

Manage your links

Google has also taken it upon itself to penalise any websites with cheap inbound links that smack of spam. If you want to protect your website, then make sure that your link profile is as natural as possible. What does this mean? Try to create relevant and engaging links on your affiliate site. Incorporate your brand name into most of your anchor text. Use generic anchors such as ‘click here’ and ‘learn more’. Avoid the use of automated link-building software. Have a mixture of do-follow links and no-follow links.

Don’t over use keywords

Previous Google updates have penalised affiliate marketing websites that have been keyword heavy. Don’t over use keywords, but focus on the most important phrases only. When you do use them, make their use as natural as possible.

Engage in social media

It’s something that every affiliate marketer should be doing anyway, but to make sure your website is protected as possible against Google algorithm updates, you should be paying even more attention to social media. Google will view your website favourably if you can show that you have an active social media presence, so make sure you have a Facebook or Twitter account. Make use of Pinterest if you produce unique images, and install social sharing buttons on your pages.

Keep your site current

Again, it’s probably one of the biggest golden rules of affiliate marketing, but if you’re not keeping your website current and up to date, then Google could well penalise you in its next round of updates. So, as well as adding as much unique content as possible, keep reviewing it and make sure it is current.

Build a mailing list

One of the best methods to protect yourself from any future Google updates is to get building a mailing list. Your list should be made up of your targeted email subscribers and all of your customers and contacts, etc.

Get people visiting your site

Google seems to favour those websites where visitors like to frequent, and stay there. So, you need to protect your website by drawing traffic to your site and giving visitors sufficient reasons for them to hang out there for a good while.

Anytime Google changes is heard it worries even the most successful of people. Clicksure, the author of this post, does everything they can to make sure we prepare you before and after the updates.