Category Archives: Small Business Marketing

A New Social Media Experience

The World Wide Web has enabled people everywhere to share their ideas and experiences with a large number of people. The social networking website,, is a great way to bring all of your closest friends together to meet on the Internet. Don’t get lost in the clutter of other massive social networking sites, enjoy the closeness and comfort of

“Join the Life!”

Welcome your friends and business partners to your own tight-knit site: It is easier to focus, concentrate and target topics that interest you on Enjoy the freedom of your own site tailored to fit your needs.

Choose one of the following circles to move in:

+ Human
+ Business
+ Nonprofit
+ Media
+ Blog

“Closer Human Circle”

Some social networking sites – like Facebook and Twitter – have become so large that it is easy to get lost in the shuffle. Oftentimes, people will be added as friends who you really don’t know. You can’t feel comfortable sharing personal stories with the majority of these people.

Discussing important topics on these large sites is like having a conversation with someone on the other side of a football stadium. It doesn’t get anywhere. makes it so your personal connections can function in a smaller, more intimate arena.

Many businesses are on these other massive sites trying to use them as stepping stones for business marketing. But they become lost in the shuffle. Their messages are drowned out.

On, it is easier to share your unique experiences with your closest friends. Feel free to exchange your most personal ideas. Work with those whom you’ve built up a greater level of trust. Voice your preferences; speak your mind.

When you are more comfortable, you will feel more at ease in sharing your impressions of goods and services. Perhaps, there is a new medical treatment that has profound results. Maybe, you saw a movie before others. Share your daily life experiences with those who are interested in knowing how you feel.

“Special Business Projects”

It is easy to post articles, documents and videos to share for special business projects at because it is a smaller, more concentrated circle. Business professionals can share their expertise and strategies on They can collaborate across time zones, national boundaries and other physically limiting factors.

If you have a new product or service, share it with this smaller, more tight-knit group. Market positioning and project promotion can be accomplished more effectively in the environment. Professionals can build up their competitive advantage. It is easier to “increase sales” via

“Nonprofit Organization”

When people share an interest, hobby or goal, they can get a lot more done on Working together in a nonprofit organization can be made easier on the Internet. Work on projects at all hours of the day on

“Media Promotion”

Get noticed on The Internet makes it easy to share great videos with your friends. Media promotion is about telling relevant stories to people who are interested in what you have to say.

It is easy to create your own news agency for sharing real stories. Media communities can cover their favorite events. Gather your friends together to learn the latest news on sports, entertainment or other hot topic.

“Blog Expertise”

The Internet is great for sharing personal experiences on products and services. Advertising only promotes people who offer unrealistic praise for items that they probably have never even used. They are paid to exaggerate.

At, bloggers can give people real advice: “I have tried this product and this is how it really works.” You are more likely to trust the comments of those whom you have worked with.

Bloggers can tell people about travel to other cities. You will have a better idea of where to go when you visit a city on vacation or business. First-hand knowledge of different stores, events and places can be a great service to your close-knit circle of friends on

Over time, bloggers interested in the same topics can create their own groups. Connect subject matter experts together in your own circle. Live your life and expand your opportunities with

Peter Marino is the owner and CMO of and can be reached via email through his Social Media and Marketing Firm in NYC.

HTML5 and CSS3: Wireframing in the final product

It’s a classic case of Photoshop versus website. Existing wireframing and prototyping tools are incapable of accurately reflecting the environment of the web.

They produce static designs that can’t be seen through the variable known as the web browser. And when you build the final website, some elements won’t look exactly like their draft counterparts, and the client will notice those minor differences in fonts, positioning, etc.

You may be more comfortable with a graphics program, and rendering the design iterations may seem to take longer if you have to hand-code the HTML.

However, the advantages of creating a wireframe in HTML from the start are beginning to outweigh the alternatives: not only do we have new layout elements in HTML5 and more powerful selectors and styling in CSS3, but by combining them, we can throw together a simple layout quickly.


The Future of Marketing; Analytics Vs. Wisdom

Read my latest article about the future of marketing and how analytics will play a big role, but not the final word…

By Peter Marino; the Senior Partner of a social media marketing and web design firm in NYC.