The major buzzword around SEO campaigns these days is ‘quality’ – and predominantly it is being used in reference to content.
Indeed, Google seems to have developed an obsession with content management and, with it becoming increasingly difficult to successfully harness the majority of SEO techniques without incurring penalties, content is King.
This doesn’t mean, however, that quality content alone can deliver a successful SEO campaign – many great writers don’t know the first thing about online marketing strategy, let alone site mapping. What it does indicate, however, is that there needs to be a symbiotic relationship between SEO and content management – the two need to go hand in hand.
Objectifying Quality
The almost contradictory reality within new SEO techniques is that Google’s algorithm tools are now judging quality; something that is generally subjective. Indeed, recently, Google’s Vice President, Amit Singhal, stated that – “If you build high-quality content that adds value, and your readers and your users seek you out, then you don’t need to worry about anything else”.
Ensure Quality Content:
Questions to ask yourself
1. Is it unique?
2. Is it useful?
3. Is it well written? |
Still, in the absence of each and every website being manually assessed by content and design professionals, with niche industry expertise, there will always be techniques that you can successfully implement, in order to enhance your website’s success. And, on that note, Singhal also pointed out that discounting SEO would be like discounting marketing in general.
Importance of Trust and Genuine Interaction
If quality is key to content, then genuine intent is key to SEO and, in truth, once more, the two are interconnected. Quality, unique and useful content is a major source of improving trust. All of this can be lost, however, if you then partake in ‘shortcut’ SEO initiatives, such as paid link schemes, or over indulge in advertising.
One of the most important elements of trust – both online and in the ‘real’ word – is making yourself known. Google seems to be intent on creating an online marketplace, which applauds the same attributes appreciated in the outside world – just with a more futuristic Star Trek-esque pizzazz. Simply, as online marketing evolves to become ever more important, to both global and local businesses, becoming a trusted individual – as opposed to just a trusted website -is key to your success.
The process to making yourself known, in this respect, is really quite straight forward and simply revolves around developing a personal profile – a photograph, brief history, business address, certification, testimonials (real ones) and links to your personal Facebook page – is really all that is required.
There are many other techniques to support your trust building campaign, but truly they all revolve around being an active, genuine and useful member of your online community. Yes, link building with high trust-ranking sites, such as; Universities and Government Offices, helps, but the consensus seems to be that if your content is quality and your interaction genuine and thorough, then you will achieve this anyway.
Other Trust Building Tips
(taken from ‘Proving Stuff on the Web’)
1. Clean and clear design
2. Correct spelling and grammar
3. Quality photograph of authors
4.Citations to other trustworthy sites
5. High quality graphics, screenshots,
or other images |
6. Sign of social adoption (likes, shares)
7. External validation from reviewed platforms
8. Short, simple and memorable domain/brand name
9. Well reasoned, logical and intelligent content |
10. Professional logo
11. On site interaction and engagement
12. Frequently updated content
13. Clear indication from author if/when bias or conflict of interest exists |
Combining Your SEO With Content Management
With the basics of both content creation and SEO strategy firmly in place, it is now time to create a symbiotic relationship between the two, in an all encompassing campaign. Indeed, such is the benefit of this symbiosis that some major agencies have even merged, in order to reap the rewards. Loud Interactive and Alpha Zeta’s was one prime example, with some suggesting that the combined capacity had created the “ultimate web traffic stimulant”.
Fundamentally, this balance is part of ensuring that you are not simply trying to get as many people to your website as possible, but rather you are attracting the right visitors – those that will translate into tangible benefits. This is unless you are running a site purely to make money from Adsense – in which case one-time visitors are what you are after.
To simplify things into a four-step programme of challenges; you are looking to achieve the following through your campaign:
1. Brand Identity
2. Sales
3. Interaction
4. Repeat Visitors
Within this 4-step programme, it is clear to see that quality is of primary importance.
With regards to your brand identity, it is imperative that people associate your brand/company name with quality – in terms of Information, Service and Product. This is a major component of trust-building and it needs to be backed up at all times by quality content.
SEO techniques, such as; guest blogging and link building, as well as on site optimisation, are crucially important in ensuring that you can attract traffic to your site, but it is the reputation you can establish within your target base that will, ultimately, have more of an impact on your sales.
Interaction is the next vital component of this four-step programme and its benefits are multi-faceted.
Firstly, by inspiring and encouraging an individual to interact on your site, you are making them feel like an active and participatory member of your community. The better a reputation your site gets, the keener other individuals and companies will be to become a part of it.
This interaction, too, develops increased trust and, of course, the additional comments and ideas from members of your community will help to enhance the benefit of your content. It can also serve as a marketing tool in itself, by attracting other people to enter into the discussion and, thus, visit your site.
The final step involves being able to attract repeat traffic. One sure way to ensure the success of your website is to develop an active and loyal support base. All of the above components contribute towards this and it is crucial to maximise interaction and provide users with the information that they want.
Another major factor in securing such a loyal support base is to ensure consistency, both in terms of quality and frequency. It is crucial that you are on top of current trends and, thus, are consistently able to provide visitors with the information they desire. This involves having content writers who, as well as being excellent writers versed in your specific industry or sector, also have excellent research capabilities. Developing strong relationships and partnerships with other industry leaders is also crucial, in this respect, to ensure you stay one step ahead.
Final Thoughts
Simply, it is highly beneficial to develop your content and SEO campaigns together, in order to ensure that everything fits into an overriding website management strategy.
Quality content is only quality if it is what your customers want and if it translates into sales. Likewise, a successful SEO campaign, which attracts traffic to your site, is only truly beneficial if it is the right traffic and, thus, translates into sales.
A successful dual content and SEO strategy can help you to develop your brand and truly pave the way to becoming a successful, highly trusted, quality market leader.
Our guest author: Jonathan is the CEO of Fresh Fire Media, a company that specialises in fully comprehensive website development – from the building and hosting, to the content, SEO and marketing. With an integrated service, they provide a well oiled, collaborative digital presence that delivers exceptional results with longevity.