Tag Archives: Organic SEO : Why All-Natural Is Still Best

Organic SEO : Why All-Natural Is Still Best

My mom is a devoted supporter of anything organic. She checks the label on food items, makes sure that she buys only from organic family farmers and buys me yogurt while everyone else in school enjoys ice cream. Nevertheless, I was proud of the fact

and never complained that I was the “healthy kid” in class. I knew my mom was doing something right.

Organic SEO

Just like food, I prefer doing business the healthy way. There’s no way I will empty my pockets for so-called shady companies who use shortcuts.

Tricks of the Trade, Anyone?

In our modern world, we have a lot of gadgets and machineries that make life easy for us. We like to pay more for automatic vehicles when we can manage with a stick shift. We love ordering fast food, even though we can always prepare healthy 10 minute meals. You’d like to avoid these tactics when it comes to boosting your website rankings.

 Content Spinning – Google is always looking for uniquely written content. For talented copywriters, it’s not a problem. However, content spinning software is heaven sent for lazy writers. They can take any article from the Internet (including this article!) and use the software to create reusable content. Though considered as a black hat SEO technique, it was still acceptable by some blog owners in the past. However, Google found a way to detect those spun articles and yes, content is king again. Thank you for that!

  1. Purchasing Social Media Followers – Even if you have the money to buy the likes and plus ones, don’t ever fall for this technique. Chances are, those accounts are not owned by real people. The reason why you need social media as part of your marketing strategy is for customers and potential clients to be interested in your products and services. You can’t achieve that with fake accounts.
  1. Keyword Stuffing – Trust me, this does not taste as good as turkey stuffing. As the name suggests, an article is stuffed with too much keywords. If you’re looking for a cheap florist in Sydney, you don’t want to come across this:

“If you are looking for a cheap florist in Sydney to provide flowers for your next occasion, you’re in luck. As the only cheap florist in Sydney, check out the products and services we can offer you. You might also want to read on the multiple benefits you can get from a cheap florist in Sydney. Hurry and contact us, the cheap florist in Sydney you can rely on.”

That’s ugly as sin. No one in his right mind would want to read and share that.

The All Natural Goodness of Organic SEO

I view SEO rankings like a test in school. Those who don’t have the patience to study may do well in school for the moment, but will ultimately fail. That’s the same reason why you should choose an SEO agency who can help you with your goals, sans cheating. They should be able to offer SEO service that’s legitimate. With Penguins and Pandas on a witch hunt, you don’t want Google to penalize you for taking shortcuts.

In conclusion, if you’re a businessman who does not have time to write good, interesting and share-worthy content, find an SEO firm who can help you with that. You want your content to be read and shared by people, not thrown out. Real people (and not fakes ones) means money actually coming in, and not the other way around.

By Debra Wright

Debra Wright is a creative and innovative blogger and online marketing specialist. She uses her wordsmith skills to share her ideas, thoughts, and tips to other people about topics that fascinate her, such as Organic SEO. Follow Debra on twitter @debrawrites

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