Category Archives: Social Media Marketing

Reputation and Fundraising

Help Us Reach Our Goal Speedometer Fundraiser SupportOne residual of the economic downturn is the fact that donations are down. According the Chronicle of Philanthropy, despite a sharp rise in giving by the wealthiest Americans, the rest of society has begun to hold back with worry that another recession will hit. A survey by the Chronicle of Philanthropy shows that charitable groups expect to receive one percent less than they did last year. While that may not seem like much, it represents millions of lost charity dollars.

As a charity, you are competing with many other groups for donations. It may be the tiniest, seemingly most innocuous thing that leads an individual or organization to donate to a cause other than yours.

Drexel University says that reputation is the single most important asset entrusted to a CEO, and that protecting the reputation of your organization is a holistic business activity that combines strategy, marketing, communications, and management. In other words, every player on your team needs to become part of protecting your reputation.

The Federal Trade Commission routinely educates the public, warning them to check the reputation of a charity prior to giving donations. A strong reputation is not easily built, but can become easily lost. Something as simple as an inappropriate remark by a key employer to a newspaper, a tasteless cartoon on a web site, or an accusation of poor behavior can sink your charitable ship.

Make it an Organizational Effort

Everyone, from the person who answers your phone to the CEO, is responsible for your organization’s reputation. The discussion regarding reputation should not take place in a small board room with only key players, but with everyone who is in any way associated with day-to-day operations.


For anyone who is not technologically savvy, it can be tempting to stay away from your company website or the Internet in general. However, it’s important to remember that the web is a world where small sparks of rumor become raging wildfires. It is vital that someone in your organization checks all media sources each day in order to head gossip off at the pass.

Know When You Need Help

Once something negative is out there, it is nearly impossible to bury it. An organization like uses all the tools at its disposal to push the negative information down while building your organization up. One disgruntled former employee can bring charitable donations to a screeching halt. Know when you need a professional to help you clean up the mess.

Revisit the Subject

The reason teachers and television shows like Sesame Street repeat the same lessons is because repetition works. Continually visit the subject of reputation with your employees and volunteers. Remind them that what they do — even while away from work — reflects on the organization.

Create a Positive Buzz

According to Digimind, more than 80 percent of damage to reputation occurs due to a mismatch between buzz and reality. Even if there’s not a scrap of truth to it, gossip becomes intertwined with reality in the minds of readers and it can take years to un-do the damage. In order to make it harder for people to believe unfair gossip, be sure that your organization makes “positive buzz” a priority. That means sending out newsletters highlighting the accomplishments of your group, sharing special stories with media, and involving people with strong reputations in your charitable efforts.

Things To Know Before You Start Facebook Ads

Things To Know Before You Start Facebook AdsWith small and local businesses gaining main stream attention, particularly through Facebook Ads, every one with a product is eager to jump on the band wagon and make a quick sale. But a lot of people who want to try it out get trapped in the technical terms which sometimes prove to be hard to wrap your head around. With this article we will try to put an end to this dilemma of yours.

There are many terms used in Internet marketing or online advertising industry such as CPM, CTR, PPC and CPI. Let us try to take these terms one by one so that after you have understood them, you will end up with a better mindset regarding budgeting of your marketing campaign.

  • CPM:

CPM stands for Cost per mile, it is also known as CPT (Cost per thousand). The term is relevant and used in almost all of the advertising mediums like Radio, Television, Magazines etc. But it has come in public domain with the growth of internet marketing. CPM is calculated by dividing the total cost or Budget for running the ad campaign by the total number of estimated viewers and then multiplying the result by 1000. For example if the total Budget is $20,000 and total estimated viewership is 2,000,000 then CPM would turn out to be $10. The main objective of calculating CPM is to compare the expenditure for your campaign across different advertising Medias.

Calculating CPM can be a very useful metric to decide whether you should take your campaign to internet or not, alternatively it may also be used to decide which service provider you should side with.

  • CTR:

CTR stands for Click through rate. It is considered as an ultimate metric for measuring the success of an internet marketing campaign. CTR is obtained by taking the number of times an advertisement is clicked by total number of times the advertisement was displayed. The result is multiplied by 100 as it is expressed in terms of percentage.

A point that demands attention is that higher click through rates with low purchases can mean loss.

The main objective of CTR is to make an assessment of customer’s initial response to the ad displayed. If you have an unusually low CTR then it can very well be an indication of the fact that your ad is not interesting enough and you need to make some updates to it.

  • PPC:

PPC stands for pay per click. As discussed above, clicks are informative of the customer’s opinion. A high click rate shows high interest and a low shows otherwise. For the same reason PPC is a preferred option for such an assessment compared to CPI( Cost per impression).

PPC may be easily calculated by dividing the total budget for online marketing campaign by the total number of clicks generated by concerned web impressions (Displayed ads).

When it comes to PPC, there are two models that are widely followed:

  1. Fixed-rate model – In such a model, the publisher has a rate card or list that may display different PPC rates for different areas of their websites. Areas or pages that attract more traffic will have a higher PPC rate as compared to those which are rarely visited.
  2. Bid-based model- In such a model, the advertisers are required to compete against each other in an auction for particular ad spots. There are many advertising agencies who offer PPC bid management services to small and medium business owners.

Now that you understand these terms more accurately, you can plan your budget accordingly for your online marketing campaign.

The author of this article is an expert in online marketing campaigns and works as a consultant in an advertising firm. Matthew has written and published several articles on conceiving and optimizing Facebook Ads.

What Should Be Included In Your Music Marketing Mix

marketing-in-music Not that long ago, getting into the music industry meant getting a home-recorded tape into the hands of the right person in a record company or hoping that you’d be discovered at a showcase or local gig. For several reasons, for example the rise in digital sales and the increasing amounts of artists creating their own independent labels, the music industry has changed a lot and thus so has the requirements of musicians.


In order to be able to make a lasting impact on the music industry, a band or artist needs a music marketing team with knowledge, connections and the flexibility to create an individual strategy just for them. The amount of radio plays a single gets is still important as it means more exposure and gets the music to the masses to encourage them to buy the music or even see one of the artist or band’s shows, so a music marketing team must be have a great working relationship with several radio stations to increase the likelihood of the music being played on air.

Even though the majority of sales is via downloads nowadays, the radio is still a very strong promotional tool for gaining new fans, getting exposure for your latest single and even generating more ticket sales for shows. It really is a case of ‘it’s who you know, not what you know’, so a music marketing team needs to be have good connections in the whole of the entertainment industry and know the right people to speak to. As there are so many new artists trying to crack into the music industry, a music marketing team should be able to create a unique and bespoke marketing plan for you that gets your music to your target audience and to the radios and shows that they will listen to or watch.

Bespoke Works

Part of creating a bespoke marketing plan is finding a studio and producer that fits in with your individual needs as well as your budget. Just a few years ago, artists could be in debt to their record companies as they were using recording studios, photographers and music video directors that they couldn’t afford but their record company had connections to.

Your marketing team should also find you the right graphics for the visual side of your campaign and photographers for your promotional shoots that share your vision so that your image is presented in a way that is true to you. Again, a marketing team should also make sure that they fit in with your budget. All of this means that music marketing team puts the power back into the hands of the artists and they get treated as individuals.


Finally, a music marketing package should help drive and direct publishing and distribution so that the artists and musicians have full security and their work is copyrighted, and they receive their fair share of royalties. Your marketing team should give you creative freedom and control over the direction you want to take your music whilst giving you the best advice, connections and selling you to the most important people- the fans.

By Cormac Reynolds

Natasha Bennett currently works for Quite Great a Music PR Company specialising In Music promotion, band promotion and Entertainment in the UK. Natasha uses her vast industry knowledge to contribute as a writer to a variety of publications across music, business, magazines and blogs.

How to Get More People to Read Your Articles on Social Media

social media Social media is a wonderful tool that helps expand the networks of a lot of people and businesses, and it’s especially great for people who want to share information. If you write a lot of articles and want them to get more attention, then there are a lot of things you can do to make this happen. If you’re not sure where to get started, then take the tips that are listed below. These can help you make the most of those articles you work hard to write so that they get more attention and you see more traffic through your social media sites.

1. Use Stumbleupon

This is a great tool for driving a lot of traffic to web pages because it finds content and then recommends it to users. It gives even smaller social media accounts the chance to get noticed, so it can be very useful if you’re just getting started. In fact, many users have had their sites get tens of thousands of hits just because they used Stumbleupon to drive traffic to an article they wrote. The best part is that if people like what you wrote, they are likely to follow you or bookmark your site for future use.

2. Use Your Connections

It never hurts to use your friends, especially when it comes to social media sharing. Get some of your friends who have popular accounts through social media. Ask them if they would be willing to share your article with the audiences that they have. Their sharing (and linking back to your websites) can result in a lot of traffic to your site and an incredible amount of exposure to your article. Tell your friends that you will share their articles as well, especially if it’s related to content you already have.

3. Submit to Editors

Article publishing is becoming much easier than it ever was before, so it’s something you might want to try out for yourself. As long as you don’t have a piece that is a complete ad for your products or company, you may be able to get it published. There are tons of websites you can find by doing just a simple search online for editors looking to publish articles. Send it out along with information about yourself so that the editor knows more about you. Also make sure you only send a portion of the article as a teaser, and so your content doesn’t get stolen. If you have a great article then it can easily lead to exposure through publications you may have never considered!

4. Publish it Online

If you only save your article on your computer and send it out as an e-mail, it is never going to get noticed. Instead of just sending it out to a few people, mass market it! Publish your article on your most popular social media site and then link back to it on all of your other accounts. For example, you could post your article on your blog and then link to it through your Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and any other accounts. This is basically free advertising and can lead to thousands of people seeing your article without you have to do more than link to a page!

5. Use Digg

The website is a great website for people who are looking to get their interesting articles written. It’s packed full of great articles about political issues, science, the internet and so much more. You can submit to them a link for your article and see if it gets approved. If it does, then you will soon get a ton of traffic to your page. This can lead to a lot of views, but also a lot of loyal followers, if they enjoy the information that you write.

6. Keep at It

Don’t let one unsuccessful article ruin your writing for good. Keep doing it and you may find that your future pieces are more popular than you could have imagined. You never know what topics are going to gain the interest of the masses and get you more popularity on your social networking sites. Just make sure you still write articles that look nice and have good content, or else people may not want to continue reading them as you release them.

Author Bio: Joe Laden is the owner of where he reviews the best website builders and writes helpful tutorials like this Weebly tutorial.