Category Archives: Business Tech

The Effects Of Social Media On Communication

social media and communicationSocial media has become so deeply entrenched in our society that it’s almost impossible to remember a time where we weren’t checking Facebook every ten minutes or posting all of our dinners to Instagram. Social media has (in theory) brought us all closer together and has made our world a significantly smaller and more convenient place. But has it improved how we communicate with one another or has it distanced us from each other in a strange and profound way? Making communication via social media almost a surrogate for real, face-to-face conversation? There are two schools of thought on the matter and in this article we intend to explore both of them.

The Positives

Always available – Considering more than half of the western world now owns a smart phone or tablet, nearly all of us are constantly ‘on’, which means we’re always available and within reach. For most of us this is a good thing.

Workplace convenience – Social media in the workplace will make it far easier for employees to form friendships with one another and make lasting bonds with their clients.

Everything in its right place – The majority of social media platforms will now include options for collating all of your other social media profiles into one place so that communication between all platforms (email, SMS messaging, Facebook, Linked In etc. etc.) is seemless and convenient. Certain ‘apps’ such as the incredibly popular ‘WhatsApp’ also allow users to open ‘group conversations’, which means that creating separate groups for your friends, family and work colleagues is as simple as filling in a few boxes.

Connection – The sheer convenience of being able to link to information and access it in an instant is one of the primary reasons why social media has really taken off in the last ten years. Of course many might decry this constant connection as a negative point as could make it harder to distance ones self from their work lives when at home and vice verse. But the great thing about laptops, smartphones and tablets is that they can always be switched off!

Visuals – It has been proven that we respond more actively and positively to visual stimulus and sites such as ‘Flick R’ and ‘Instagram’ rely specifically on images to relate a message. The instantaneous nature of these sites can only be a good thing as it cuts through a lot of the ‘noise’ and gets to the point in an immediate and cathartic way.

Getting to the point – Especially with sites such as Twitter, which limit the amount of characters available per message, social media has made us all ‘get to the point’ with our communication. This means there is less pointless, protracted ‘small talk’ in modern communication in general.

Teaching – As a teaching tool, social media is still flexing its muscles but the potential is unmistakable.

The Negatives

Cyber bullying – A genuine problem that is endemic amongst all social media platforms and has resulted in a genuinely shocking amount of teenage suicides. Ten, even five years ago, schoolyard bullying generally began and ended just there, in the schoolyard. But social media has given vindictive, shallow minded and hateful children the platform to make the bullying a perpetual problem that follows victims home after school and into the weekend.

Quantity over quality – The amount of ‘spam’ advertisements that seep through social media platforms on a daily basis is infuriating but necessary as it’s this spam that keeps the sites free to use. However being bombarded with so much information makes it more difficult for us to see the wood for the trees so to speak and we can end up being pulled into a spiral of links that can bleed hours out of our lives.

Innocence – The internet in general is stealing the innocence from our children and social media is one of the primary facilitators of this loss. Twenty years ago, it would have been almost impossible for our young children to gain access to excessively violent material or hardcore pornography but in the 21st century, any child with even a cursory amount of internet savvy will be able to access stomach turning, potentially mind altering material with next to no hassle at all and social media provides a perfect platform from which to spread such inappropriate material.

Who are we talking to? – Social media allows its users to hide behind a veil of illusion which they can decide to stay behind indefinitely is they so choose. This is potentially damaging as it could cause certain individuals to grow more introverted and isolated as they delve further into these fantasy ‘personas’.


Ultimately, whether or not social media has improved or detracted from how and why we communicate with one another depends very much on your own opinions and your own experiences. It is irrefutably here to stay though, so on whichever side of the fence you choose to sit, you better get comfortable!

Because of social media we are much more connected which can be a blessing and a curse. It is important to allow people privacy and not abuse it, if you’d like to find more information please visit Insignia

All You Need to Know About the Technology Powering Dubai’s Dynamic Tower


Dubai is home to many amazing structures, among them the 828-meter Burj Khalifa, the 321-meter Burj Al Arab and the 310-meter Cayan Tower. And now in about a few years’ time, it will house an even more amazing structure: the splendidly designed Dubai Dynamic Tower.


Not many people are aware that the Dubai Dynamic Tower is also known as the Da Vinci Tower. There was no official confirmation from Dr. Fisher as to how the name was derived, but it was probably inspired by one of many Leonardo Da Vinci’s groundbreaking innovation, namely the aerial screw.

Although the aerial screw was said to have helped inspire the birth of the modern day helicopter, it bears a striking similarity to Dr. Fisher’s very own Dubai Dynamic Tower. It is no coincidence that the structure’s rotating wing and circular foundation look like it could be the very based that the skyscraper was inspired from.

Taking a cue from Da Vinci’s notes on the aerial screw (“if the screw is turned rapidly, it will penetrate air, and it will mount aloft”), Dr. Fisher and his team incorporated the turbine technology into the skyscraper to make it the first self-powered skyscraper in the world.

What makes the Dubai Dynamic Tower SO awesome?

Here are five amazing aspects about the Dubai Dynamic Tower that will cause anyone to be awestruck with wonder:

1.  It will measure 420 meters with a total of 80 levels.

2. The structure will cost approximately $550 million dollars to erect.

3. The prefabrication technology used to construct the building resulted in the optimization of manpower needed – instead of 2,000 workers, only 690 are needed to see the building to completion.

4. Each of the levels in this futuristic building is able to rotate a full 360 degrees in an hour and a half. That means that the residents will be accorded different views throughout the day and night time.

5. A voice recognition system gives residents the power to customize their desired degree of rotation so that they will not be at the mercy of the rotation system.

6. Completely constructed through the prefabrication methodology, each Tower unit will come with 12 modules including pre-installed fixtures. However, this does not mean that all the units will be designed the same way; on the contrary, inhabitants will be given the choice to voice out and implement their preference in terms of design and customization.

7. There are five exclusive villas or penthouse located at the top of the skyscraper. The astronomical price tag awards owners with the convenience of being able to drive vehicles straight to their units AND park in it via a specially-built, spacious lift.

8. The Dubai Rotating Tower is pretty much self-sufficient when it comes to energy generation. Strategically placed wind turbines and solar panels will help produce up to 1,200,000 kilowatt hours of energy, thus creating sustainable and eco-friendly habitats.

The visionary behind the Tower

The idea for the rotating towers was conceived by Dr. David Fisher, a world renowned Italian-Israeli architect. Prior to immersing himself in the Dubai Dynamic Tower project, he spent the last three decades perfecting the aspect of technological extremes in the architectural and construction sector.

Dr. Fisher made it his lifelong goal to implement remarkable designs that adapt to the ever-changing needs of the residents in his creations, and this was achieved through three revolutions that are evident in the design and construction of the Dubai Dynamic Tower.

The first of the three revolutions relate to the shape of the structure which shifts continuously, allowing its residents to live in a revolutionary four-dimensional habitat.

The second revolution involves the technique in which the skyscraper is constructed – Dr. Fisher has employed the method of prefabrication in his desire for the Dubai Dynamic Tower to rise up majestically against the Dubai skyline. In a recent interview with Leonard Albanese who is the owner and CEO of Albanese Builders, the master builder was cited as saying that this was one of the wisest move an architect could make. The advantages of prefabrication (major ones include faster construction, better cost-efficiency and environmentally friendly) have long been acknowledged but up till now, no one has quite achieved what Dr. Fisher has in mind, and that is to build a dynamic skyscraper that engages the same advantageous construction method.

And finally, the third innovation revolves around the building’s wind turbines which is the very core of the technology that not only causes the skyscraper to rotate, but one that allows it to be the first self-powered building. The Dubai Dynamic Tower is not only an architectural marvel to feast your eyes on, but it is also a sustainable energy generator in its own right, powering not only the structure itself but also other buildings surrounding it.

Without doubt, Dr. Fisher is indeed an inimitable visionary who will soon add one of his creations to the already-impressive list of worldly modern day wonders. Only time will reveal other architectural wonders this farsighted genius will unleash upon the unsuspecting world.

Who in the World has the Fastest Internet connection?

Who do you think has the fastest Internet connections in the world? It may surprise you to see some of the countries way ahead of the USA.  I’m sure we all suspected Japan South Korea and Hong Kong to have the speediest connections but would you have guessed Latvia, Czech Republic and the Netherlands? See the interactive infographic below:

Why Google’s Matt Cutts Thinks Moderation Is Key To Guest Blogging

SEO experts, writers, marketers, and business owners have been writing about guest blogging for years now. Guest blogging is something that should help your company improve it’s branding and visibility, SEO, and reader satisfaction, so knowing you need to create a guest blogging strategy is pretty much a no-brainer. However, as Google continues to grow and develop, guest blogging is becoming trickier. It’s hard to know how to be successful when it comes to building links and exposure anymore, so of course it makes sense to go to the man with all the answers: Head of Google Webspam, Matt Cutts.

A Quick Recap: Why Guest Blogging Is Beneficial

For those who are unfamiliar, guest blogging is essentially the act of writing a piece of content, publishing that content on a different (but related and relevant) website on the web, and then earning a link back to your company in an author bio in return. As discussed above, guest blogging is a great way to build up your linking portfolio as well as earn you visibility with a  new audience and really show the world that you know your stuff.

There are a few different strategies used by companies today. In general, how you want to setup your guest blogging has been according to your niche and size, and this isn’t going to change. A few different ways it has worked in the past include:

  • Hire a guest blogging agency. This is usually what very large companies do when they have a lot of guest posting needs. There are many agencies out there that do nothing but guest blog and build links for websites, and if you do your research, you can find plenty that produce great content.
  • Hire a team of in-house writers. This is usually the option for larger companies who don’t like going the freelance route. It gives you more control.
  • Hire freelance writer/writers. This is probably the most popular option. If you just want a little bit extra visibility, hire one or two writers to freelance is an easy way to make it happen. Be careful though and always monitor these writers!
  • Guest blog on your own. This is usually the route for very small companies. If you’re just getting started, and particularly if you work in an odd niche, this should work just fine.

As you can see, some of these strategies produce quite a few guest posts. In the past this was a great way to improve SEO because you earned a lot of authoritative backlinks and all of that visibility, not to mention it allowed you to really work with a variety of blogs (also good for SEO). While this still works, Cutts says that moving forward guest blogging approaches need not be quite as forceful.

Why Cutts Say Moderation Is a Necessity (And How to React)

The biggest thing to understand is that Google is working to put less emphasis on linking and more emphasis on the actual content. While backlinks will still be important, they aren’t as important, and therefore Cutts explained in his latest video that moderation is the key to success moving forward. You can watch the video below:

As you can see, Cutts does make it clear that Google can easily tell the difference between a guest blog and a blog that paid for links, so no worries there.  Still, moderation will allow you to make sure that you are not just spinning articles; you’re actually writing meaningful content, which will be better for your reputation in the long run.

Do you have a guest blogging strategy that doesn’t worry about moderation? What do you think is the best way to use guest blogging to your advantage? Let us know your story and your thoughts in the comments below.

Amanda DiSilvestro gives small business and entrepreneurs SEO advice ranging from keyword density to recovering from Panda and Penguin updates. She writes for, a nationally recognized SEO firm that offers online marketing services to a wide range of companies across the country.