6 Tricks To Create Killer PPC Ads That Convert

You might think that writing ad copy is simple compared to writing a blog post or a landing page for a website, but it’s not.

In fact, it can be much more complicated. When you write a blog post, there are no restrictions as to how lengthy it can be. You get to decide how much space you need to share your message across. When it comes to PPC ads, you’ll need to squeeze your message in a short and catchy ad and that can be quite a challenge.  For example, if you choose to advertise on Google, you ad copy needs to be comprised of:

• 25-character headline

• Two lines of 35-character description

• A URL that sends users to your landing page

That’s all you get! Sounds like a lot of pressure, doesn’t it?

But don’t panic. Even if there’s little space, there are ways you can make the most of the limited space. Read on for the top six tips and tricks to write killer PPC ad copy for your campaign…

1. Make Your Headline Count

Take as much time as you need to write an eye-catching headline for each ad. This is the first thing people see so make it count, otherwise your ads will just be ignored.
You have 25 characters you can take advantage of so use them wisely. Use strong keywords, numbers, percentages and power words that will grab users’ attention.

Be specific in your headline and make sure it reflects exactly what you’re promoting. This ensures users know exactly what they’re clicking on and what they will find once they land on your site.

2. Use Powerful and Relevant Keywords

PPC advertising is about bidding on keywords so make sure yours are as powerful and as specific as possible. Make them relevant to what people are searching for online when they’re looking for your services or products.

After all, when people type in a keyword or keyword phrase, that’s exactly what they want to see. In other words, being predictable can give you a better chance of earning some clicks.

In addition, use your keywords sensibly throughout the copy so it looks natural and not stuffed.

3. Always Include a Call to Action

When it comes to advertising, calls to action are vital as it tells people what they should do next to find what they’re looking for.

Effective calls to action include “sign up now”, “buy now”, “order today”, “save 80% on…”, “free download” or “get a free estimate today”.

Include a strong call to action that’s clear and specific so people know exactly what they should do next.

Exactly what kind of call to action you use will depend on what you want people to do once they’ve clicked your ad, so make sure it is aligned with the landing page you are sending them to.

4. Get Those “Power” Words in There

Most successful ads include power words in their headlines, but you can also add them elsewhere in the ad copy. For example, experiment with using words like buy, get, try, go, download in your body copy. Of course, you can use others as well but you’ll need to test them and see which ones work better for your audience.

5. Test Your Ad Campaigns For Success

Once you’ve created your ads, it’s critical to test them and see which ones perform best. Check the statistics and data and track your ads’ click-through rates to see which ones are the most effective.

There’s always room for improvement, so if an ad isn’t getting any clicks, replace it with a better one. And then keep testing and improving as it’s the only way you can ensure your ads are as effective as possible in terms of generating revenue for your business.

6. Create a Conversion-Oriented Landing Page

Don’t forget that you’re using your ads to direct potential customers to your site. The URL you include in your ad needs to redirect them to a specific landing page that’s relevant to the ad. You should never link your PPC ads to your homepage.

You landing page is an extension of your ad, so when users click on your ad it means you’ve captured their interest and your conversion-oriented landing page needs to close the deal and convert them into sales. Take the time to create a landing page that includes your offer, clear call-to-actions and no other distractions.

Following these six tips will help you make the most of the limited space you have when creating PPC ads.

This guest post was written by Alex Gavril, who is part of the 123-reg blog team. The company is the UK’s largest domain name registrar and also provides a range of other services, including PPC management.

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