How to Make Your Website Mobile Ready?

It’s amazing how many people are using their smartphones to surf the website now. Around 61% of local searches happen to be from smart phones according to new studies. If you would like to gain more traffic and your website is not able to be mobile friendly than you are missing out on some major traffic for your website.

You might be surprised to learn this but it shouldn’t have to cost a fortune to make a mobile friendly website. You can have one up and going in just a few hours and start getting traffic to your site almost right away. Here are a few reasons as to why it’s important that your website is mobile friendly:

 Users Should Experience User Friendly Mobile Websites. The reason why is because studies show consumers have a 51% chance of purchasing something if the site is mobile friendly.

  • Mobile Search Using Google. Most people search on their smartphone with using search engines such as Google. 50% of the searches that you have locally will be from smart phones and people researching on Google.

  • Do Websites Receive Penalties For Not Using Non-Mobile Friendly Ready Sites? You don’t have to have a mobile friendly website but your website might take a hit and not receive the traffic it needs to survive.

Around 90% of the websites online are not mobile friendly. Look at the change that happens on a phone compared to a website:

The site looks completely different on the phone doesn’t it? I am sure that after seeing that sample you are asking yourself “how to make professional mobile websites” Here are a few tips to help you with making your website mobile user friendly. Google teamed up with Duda Mobile so people like you can make user friendly websites and here’s why using Duda Mobile can benefit you.

Tip 1: Use A Web Browser To Optimize Your Website For Mobile Phones

Just this step will help you to convert the exciting site that you have and turn it into a site that is mobile friendly.

Tip 2: Sync Your Website Automatically To Your Normal Website

If you make any changes on your regular website then have it it to where it updates your mobile site right away.

Tip 3: Pick Out A Great Template

You can find many free mobile friendly templates online. Some of them are free and other mobile templates might cost you but whatever template you decide on make sure that your visitors are wowed.

Tip 4: Duda Is For Everyone, Stop Making Excuses And Just Make Your User Friendly Mobile Site.  Duda was created for people who might be experts and for people who don’t have any skills whatsoever. Duda makes it easy for beginners to create a fantastic looking mobile site on their phone. Don’t put off making a site because you don’t know how. Just simply use Duda and you will be amazed at how easy you will be able to create your site.

Tip 5: Use Click To Call. A click to call button was created so customers can contact you right away. You will be surprised at what a difference this type of button will make for your site. Customers like it when they contact staff on the site when needed. Excellent customer service on your mobile user friendly site is just a must have.

Adam Prattler has been running his own construction company for a while and has got a good strategy to do a simple house sale method. After work he also like surfing and kiting and does his fair share of building card houses.

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