How SEO Training Can Skyrocket Your Businesses Online Success

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Search Engine Optimization Training Can Help Your Business Succeed in a Competitive Market

The web is an extremely competitive environment that is very difficult to obtain even the slightest attention from possible customers.  Therefore, you need to be on the first page of search results for certain keyword terms that are searched on Google.  This is a difficult task even for the best SEO companies out there and an even more difficult task for a small business that is busy with the day to day task of keeping their company afloat.  So how does a small business or start up get on the first page of Google without breaking the bank?  SEO training, or search engine optimization training, may be the answer to your companies needs.  SEO training allows you to work on some of the SEO tasks necessary to get on top of the search engines without paying a company to do all of the work. I call this a “shared SEO package” where you pay for some of the work to be executed by a professional SEO company while offsetting the cost by learning how to perform the basic on page SEO and automated tasks yourself.  This “shared SEO package” is initiated by having someone on your staff or yourself learn the basic search engine optimization tasks through an SEO training company that will come to your place of business and show you step-by-step how to implement on page SEO using your HTML editor or your content management systems editor.  This hands on process will allow you to learn in the environment you’re familiar with and give you personalized attention to your companies SEO needs.  A good search engine optimization training course will also inform you of the best SEO tools and tracking technologies to show improvements in rank, page-views, bounce rates and time on site.

Whatever your business provides to customers SEO is one of the most effective online marketing strategies you can implement.  Normally over 50% of all visitor traffic comes from search engines, so ranking high for certain keyword terms is vital for the success of your business.   Being seen on the first page of Google also promotes a strong local and/or national brand visibility for your business, depending on your search strategy and focus.

In a world where we are bombarded with marketing messages hundreds or even thousands of times per day the choice to take control over your SEO is probably the most sound advice you can make as a business owner.  Because search engine optimization gets your website to stand out in front of the customers that are actively searching for your service or product.  For a comparatively low marketing budget outlay, SEO also maintains your marketing presence 365 days a year, ensuring that you climb  to the top of Google’s fabled first page status, thereby giving you an edge over your competitors.

Good SEO training can make a huge difference in both marketing spend and long term return on investment (ROI) by preparing your staff or yourself to take control of your online presence.

SEO Training Expert Peter MarinoBy Peter Marino the owner and SEO training expert for We teach in house SEO and social media training while also providing supportive SEO services to lessen the time and work necessary to optimize your businesses success.

How to Start a Professional Blog – 10 tips for new Bloggers?

Here Are 10 Easy Tips On How To Start A Professional Blog For Beginners


 Discover Your Blogging Voice

If you plan on doing blogging you need to discover your blogging voice. This will take time to develop and something that you should not rush. You will find that as a beginner you will be going back and forth between advertising, sharing your personal story and doing product design. It might even take up to around a year before your blog goes viral.

The more that you write and the more that you learn from the other people that blog then the more your articles will start to change for the better. Formatting your blog is essential because you can then include photos, posts, links and many other things in it.

When You Come Up With A Topic Then Stay Consistent With Your Topic

You will find that you are either someone that likes to blog throughout the day and post snippets and links or either you might find yourself only blogging just a few posts throughout the week or month. If you are blogger that stays active then the only downfall is that you will need to always be current and up to date with the latest events.

Try To Blog At Least Once A Week

You need to try hard to blog at least once a week in order for people to visit you regularly or else they might just move on and read other blogs. If you can do around 3 to 5 blogs per day then that’s even better. The more you do then the better chance you have of traffic always coming to your blog. However, don’t make the blogs boring. Make sure that they are always meaningful so if you’re very tired maybe you should wait and blog later.

Be Detailed With Your Blogs

Try your best to be as detailed as you can with your blogs and go in deep and connect with your audience. The more that you connect with your audience then the higher chance you have of them coming back again.

Bloggers Seem To Be Connected and Know Each Other

In San Francisco there are many hangouts, events and conferences that take place and most of those connect with the world of blogosphere. Being part of some conference or organization is a great way to expand your blog. Handout flyers to people that you connect with at those conferences or meetings.

Get Ready For Universal Reader Acquisition Strategies

User acquisition for bloggers is often times boring but a necessity. Research and find keywords for your topics and use keywords that people might be researching and not ones they don’t know.

Brainstorm New Topics

Brainstorm new topics, headlines and keywords that might interest people. Try to be unique qith all of your blog posts.

Review The Analytics Daily

Reviewing your analytics daily helps you to understand what all is going on. You can also have interaction with the users that might be passive and don’t leave comments so that way you can figure out how you can serve those people better.

Relax & Don’t Push Yourself Too Hard

It can be hard not overdoing it but when you are a blogger you should be just having fun. Sometimes if you don’t feel like doing it then just take a break and only blog like once or twice a week until you feel like blogging. This way it should always remain fun and something that you enjoy doing.


You can have a very successful blog but sometimes it just takes commitment and patience. If after a year you still might not be having traffic go back and get feedback and see how you can fix up your blog and then continue on. Sometimes it might even take two or three years before you get a lot of readers. Just don’t give up and have fun and in time you will have a blog that is successful.

Sara Xiang is wonderfully equipped with the capabilities of writing a blog and making it famous around the world of web. She has been writing blogs at for a very long time.

Best Apps And Tools That Will Make Your Blogging Life Easier

blogging appsBlogging may be hard for some of you who are not yet comfortable into the routine of coming up with something exciting and new to talk about regularly. It is very necessary that you are able to catch the inspiration when it strikes. It may be on the breakfast or dinner table, while you are on the thunderbox or when you are lying on the bed. This is where the apps come in handy and allow you keep your genius along with you always. 

Here is a list of the best apps and tools that will make your blogging life easier:

1. Evernote

This is one of the most famous web capture tool these days primarily due to the fact that it enables you to grab full web pages, audio, images, text snippets etc. and allows you to recall them whenever needed. Those who are on Evernote find it easy to recall information. If you come across such situations where you encounter a setting that you wish to write about later, use Evernote to clip it and save it for future reference. Evernote also has a lot of cool integrations to offer that make it super-easy-to-use app.

2. Tape-A-Talk Recorder or Dragon Dictation

If you are among those who prefer speaking over writing, it is advisable to get a voice recorder app that will enable you to talk about your post instead of writing it down by typing each word on the keyboard. This voice recorder app can also come in handy when you are driving to work and enroute your mind fills with ideas that you wish to write about. For Android users, Tape-A-Recorder is a useful app as it gives you the freedom to append the recording and send it across to Evernote or e-mail easily.

For iPhone users, a similar app is called Dragon dictation which has the capability of making your dictation appear as text instantly. This app can also be integrated with Evernote.

3. Google Drive

One of the biggest conveniences for any blogger can be the freedom to take his or her content anywhere and post ideas from where he or she is. This is where a web based word processor like Google drive comes to rescue. For those who keep writing on different terminals or devices and collaborating with various authors, storing documents on cloud enables an easy access to the documents to either pick up from where they left or to find out what edits have others made to it. Cloud enables a 24X7 access to your documents from any computer or gadget.

4. Springpad

This app is much similar to Evernote. Other than saving notes, you can also save tasks, look up items to save, and set reminders for particular tasks. Springpad has a wonder feature of organizing your thoughts by itself and does not bother you to do so. Hence in case you wish to blog about a location or a particular product, this app reminds you of these items and allows you to access them easily from your mobile device or computer.

5. White Noise – Rainy Day

There is no denial that the environment poses the biggest threat to your idea of working and writing on the go. All public places are so loud that you can barely concentrate on an idea. This app is a wonder way to combat such a situation. This noise generating app blocks all other distractions around you enabling you to concentrate on better things. All you need to do is plug in your earphones and run this app to focus on writing and do the task at hand.

6. Focus Booster

This free app is a simple app that runs on your desktop but the dividends that it generates are far more productive. You can set the timer and start doing the task at hand viz. designing, writing or whatever you need to do to grow your blog. After the preset time is over, take a break that is built in the app and take your time to freshen up so that you can be back with a better focus.

7. FireShot

This is a Firefox, Chrome, SeaMonkey and Thunderbird extension. This enables you to get screen shots from the web and annotate, edit, export, upload and even print them conveniently. There are a number of capture options viz. full page, visible part of the page etc. One unique offering with this extension is the set of annotations and editing tools that come with it. It also lets you capture flash content.

About the Author:

Robert Bryant is a blogger and works with MaxWell Systems – A Construction Software Company. He likes blogging about online strategies that are related to Social Media, Online Marketing and Legal issues.