Category Archives: Self-employed

6 Startup Mistakes You Can Fix: A Survival Guide

It is hard to believe that you are finally ready to get your startup business up and running. You have been planning and organizing for months, ensuring that every detail was perfect before the big launch.

Yet somehow, after just a few weeks in operation, it feels like things are not going according to plan. Could it be that you made one of these startup mistakes?

Now, it’s worth highlighting that every new startup is guaranteed to make mistakes. It’s how we handle them that matters.

Thus, you’ll find six avoidable mistakes startup owners make and advice on how to overcome them in this article.

Not Active on LinkedIn

Whether you’re serving businesses or consumers, having an online presence is crucial in this digital age. All successful small business owners have one thing in common: they’re adaptable and transform their businesses to match the times.

Some business owners may argue that there’s no reason for them to be active on LinkedIn. After all, other social media platforms may be more likely to have their target audience.

Nevertheless, many successful small business owners who won with LinkedIn would tell you that the platform should be part of your marketing strategy.

LinkedIn is where the professionals are. It helps you build connections and network with others in your industry. And with most people preferring to do their independent research before making a purchase, LinkedIn has become a reference point for trustworthiness and authority.

Other than your website, LinkedIn is often a stop for potential customers to learn about your startup. Therefore, write up a winning LinkedIn profile – both for yourself and your company – quickly so that you can see those leads coming in.

No Prioritization

It is easy to get sucked into a whirlwind of startup activities. But if you’re not careful, the priorities can get messed up, and it will take much longer to achieve your goal.

Try reorganizing your resources so that your efforts are directed towards specific channels with your target audience.

When you’re a startup owner, you’ll want to ensure that you’re not stretched thin. Instead of getting higher reach and visibility, these investments may only lead to greater costs and message dilution.

Besides LinkedIn, which other social media platforms do you think would give your business the best traction it needs?

Trying to Do Everything Yourself

If you’re starting up a business, there are high chances you’re wearing many hats to make sure you succeed. However, if you want to grow and scale your startup, it’s time for that “jack of all trades” mentality to go away.

You have the opportunity now in this startup phase to focus on what is most important: closing off your business deals. As such, it’s important to delegate tasks to your startup team.

For example, some things that you may delegate to others are:

  • answering phone calls
  • accounting and money management tasks
  • customer service
  • data entry
  • content writing
  • research
  • web design and development

A successful small business owner knows the strengths and weaknesses of their team members well. Hence, it would help if you tried taking more initiative in getting to know your team better.

Aside from their qualifications, they might have other handy skills you’d never know about unless you start asking. They’d likely be more than happy to bring them to the table as well!

Unrealistic Goals

If you want to build a startup, be realistic and have a good plan in place before you start.

While all startup owners should be ambitious, basing your startup on outlandish ambitions is not the way to go.

Instead, go with more realistic plans that match your current capabilities and what you want to achieve. Realistic goals will help ensure success in the present to grow your startup while making it sustainable for the future.

There’s nothing wrong with having lofty goals, but if they are unrealistic, you may make one of those startup mistakes where you end up wasting time and resources to get back on track.

To ensure that you’re planning the right milestones for your business to achieve, think about where your customers are in their buyer’s journey.

The buyer’s journey has four stages: Awareness, Consideration, Decision and Loyalty.

Depending on where your customers are in their journey, you can tailor your startup strategy accordingly. 

Image Source: FILT Pod

Not Having an Exit Strategy

When designing your startup plan, think about what will happen next if things don’t work out as planned.

Will you still want to continue with this vision of yours even though there may be some bumps along the way? 

Or have you thought about possibly selling part of your company at certain milestones so that you could move onto new opportunities while also receiving cash from these shares that you sold?

Giving yourself an exit might sound like planning for failure, but it’s not. Instead, it’s simply a way to plan for everything and anything that might happen with your startup, big or small.

Not Having a Blog on Your Website

Websites with blogs are proven to have more leads compared to those without them. 67% more, in fact.

Reasons why having articles or other resources will help boost your business growth:

1) It gives your startup a more credible and authoritative voice

Google recognizes pages with content as being of higher quality, thus boosting search engine rankings.

2) It provides a more personal connection to your startup

Image source: Demand Metric

Successful startup owners know that it’s crucial to engage with their startup community in an authentic and personal way. Blog writing can be a great way to humanize your startup and help build relationships with customers because you show that you’re willing to share your knowledge and expertise and not always focused on selling.

3) Other websites, blogs, or social media channels may cite your content

These editorial backlinks will bolster your brand visibility and drive even more traffic to your website.

4) You’ll be able to establish your startup’s niche or industry expertise

This will allow you to become a recognized expert in this field, leading to more opportunities and partnerships.


If you’re a startup owner, there are many things to consider when setting up your business. These six startup mistakes provide insight into what you should be looking out for and what you can do to rectify them.

All the best in your startup journey!

Best Apps And Tools That Will Make Your Blogging Life Easier

blogging appsBlogging may be hard for some of you who are not yet comfortable into the routine of coming up with something exciting and new to talk about regularly. It is very necessary that you are able to catch the inspiration when it strikes. It may be on the breakfast or dinner table, while you are on the thunderbox or when you are lying on the bed. This is where the apps come in handy and allow you keep your genius along with you always. 

Here is a list of the best apps and tools that will make your blogging life easier:

1. Evernote

This is one of the most famous web capture tool these days primarily due to the fact that it enables you to grab full web pages, audio, images, text snippets etc. and allows you to recall them whenever needed. Those who are on Evernote find it easy to recall information. If you come across such situations where you encounter a setting that you wish to write about later, use Evernote to clip it and save it for future reference. Evernote also has a lot of cool integrations to offer that make it super-easy-to-use app.

2. Tape-A-Talk Recorder or Dragon Dictation

If you are among those who prefer speaking over writing, it is advisable to get a voice recorder app that will enable you to talk about your post instead of writing it down by typing each word on the keyboard. This voice recorder app can also come in handy when you are driving to work and enroute your mind fills with ideas that you wish to write about. For Android users, Tape-A-Recorder is a useful app as it gives you the freedom to append the recording and send it across to Evernote or e-mail easily.

For iPhone users, a similar app is called Dragon dictation which has the capability of making your dictation appear as text instantly. This app can also be integrated with Evernote.

3. Google Drive

One of the biggest conveniences for any blogger can be the freedom to take his or her content anywhere and post ideas from where he or she is. This is where a web based word processor like Google drive comes to rescue. For those who keep writing on different terminals or devices and collaborating with various authors, storing documents on cloud enables an easy access to the documents to either pick up from where they left or to find out what edits have others made to it. Cloud enables a 24X7 access to your documents from any computer or gadget.

4. Springpad

This app is much similar to Evernote. Other than saving notes, you can also save tasks, look up items to save, and set reminders for particular tasks. Springpad has a wonder feature of organizing your thoughts by itself and does not bother you to do so. Hence in case you wish to blog about a location or a particular product, this app reminds you of these items and allows you to access them easily from your mobile device or computer.

5. White Noise – Rainy Day

There is no denial that the environment poses the biggest threat to your idea of working and writing on the go. All public places are so loud that you can barely concentrate on an idea. This app is a wonder way to combat such a situation. This noise generating app blocks all other distractions around you enabling you to concentrate on better things. All you need to do is plug in your earphones and run this app to focus on writing and do the task at hand.

6. Focus Booster

This free app is a simple app that runs on your desktop but the dividends that it generates are far more productive. You can set the timer and start doing the task at hand viz. designing, writing or whatever you need to do to grow your blog. After the preset time is over, take a break that is built in the app and take your time to freshen up so that you can be back with a better focus.

7. FireShot

This is a Firefox, Chrome, SeaMonkey and Thunderbird extension. This enables you to get screen shots from the web and annotate, edit, export, upload and even print them conveniently. There are a number of capture options viz. full page, visible part of the page etc. One unique offering with this extension is the set of annotations and editing tools that come with it. It also lets you capture flash content.

About the Author:

Robert Bryant is a blogger and works with MaxWell Systems – A Construction Software Company. He likes blogging about online strategies that are related to Social Media, Online Marketing and Legal issues.

3 Ways To Make You A Better Freelancer


the joys of working from home

Are you finding it hard to attract new customers as a freelancer? Do you feel like you are being held back by low paying jobs? If the answer is yes then you need to change direction as a freelancer and find new ways to improve your career.

Here are three very simple and very effective ways to boost your freelancing career and help you become a better freelancer.

Learn To Deal With Weaknesses And Strengths

Being a freelancer isn’t easy and it actually puts you in a very fragile position. You are under scrutiny a lot and sometimes the criticism might make you feel really bad. But don’t ever crumble under it but learn to use it for your own advantage.

A lot of the times, though unfortunately not always, people can provide you criticism that is only going to help you improve your work and might actually even be a fair point about your performance.

Just by knowing how to take criticism you can also improve your own understanding of your strengths. And knowing what you are good at will help you redefine your work and direct you towards the right career path.

Learn To Pick The Right Jobs

At the start you had to do a lot of jobs just to get some money coming in and to build yourself a reputation. But you don’t need to keep accepting every single job offer you get for the rest of your life. This is going to drain you out of energy and it will not often benefit your career at all.

You have to know how to select just the right jobs for you. If you are browsing for job posts at Odesk or Elance, for instance, think if the job description is something that will help you direct your career to the right direction. If you feel like it isn’t than don’t take it.

Saying no is also something that you have to learn to do. There is a brilliant article at the Freelancery about when to say no and it is something worth reading if you feel guilty about turning down work.

Learn To Market Efficiently

You also need to understand that as a freelancer it is essential to know how to sell yourself to the clients. A lot of freelancers feel out of their comfort zones when they have to try and market themselves.

They might be really good at what they do but when it comes to finding new customers they are unsure of how to act.

The first thing to solving this problem is by improving your online visibility. Just by learning the tricks of using SEO you could transform the way clients find you. With an appropriate SEO agency help you can ensure that just the right kind of traffic is directed to your website.

The second thing you need to focus on is naturally your self-confidence. You have to learn to understand that you are good at what you do and display this emotion to your clients. You don’t need to be cocky but you have to know what you are worth.

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