3 Questions To Ask Answer Before Designing Your Medical Website

medical-website-designBefore you spend lots of money designing a flashy new website you are going to want to make sure that it’s not just bells and whistles with no real content to sell your business. Make sure you have a site that helps you capitalize on your potential clientele and effectively market your services. Before you even get started ask yourself these following questions.

Do I make the most of my staff page?

If you want people to know right off the bat what kind of person you are, show them the faces behind the company. Truly take advantage of the opportunity to share information about yourself and your staff. Include photos and brief bios about each of your staff members. You’d be surprised how comforting this can be for people who may be skeptical about your company, perhaps because they are considering leaving a practice they’d come to know and love. They would really benefit from seeing the type of people they’ll meet in your office. It’s always good to put a face to a name and that is especially true when putting a face to your business.

Also don’t be afraid to step outside of the box with your staff bios. Perhaps instead of just listing their name, occupation and credentials, include interesting facts about them. For example customers may find it endearing to know their favorite quotes or most cherished accomplishment.

Does my web design have ‘social proof’?

Social Proof is a “psychology phenomenon where people assume the action of others reflect the correct behavior for a given situation…driven by the assumption that the surrounding people have more information than they do.” It is a classic case of monkey see monkey do. You can use social media to make sure your business is being talked about, shared and maintaining a degree of popularity, therefore building your reputation through social proof.

You probably know by now that you need to have your business represented on Facebook, so you have created a Facebook page. You want your page to be active and engaging. Don’t host a page simply for the sake of putting it on your website. Use it as a way to interact with your clients, stay engaged with the online community and show that you are personable and truly involved in your field. Use it to post articles about your field, links to your specials, and to start discussions about the new and inventive procedures your office offers. That is all content and content is important if you want to get noticed.

Facebook has been offering the “Sponsored Story” feature for some time now. It allows advertisers to attain more likes, posts and other activity. By getting their “story” featured, it is seen on the right hand side of your friends Facebook screen and functions as an advertisement of sorts.

In addition to Facebook make sure your social presence is big! If someone tweets something like, “I just got treated for sun damage at “XYZ Dermatology” and my skin has never looked better,” be sure to re-tweet it. Get listed on Yelp, be searchable on Google Business, allow people to check-in on Foursquare, get subscribers to your blog, and post testimonials to your page. Most importantly, make sure it all links back to your website.

Is my site at all persuasive?

Remember that at the end of the day you are selling a service. You can have the prettiest website on the internet and never get a single client if you aren’t persuasive. Incorporate some simple selling strategies to make sure that you are actively marketing and selling your services.

Product Badges—Help your customers during the decision making process by “badging” certain products with qualities such as “best-selling service,” “customer favorite,” “limited time only.”

Customer Reviews—the badges will catch their eye and the reviews will reel them in. You’ve labeled a product as best-selling, so include a review from a particularly happy customer to let people know that you aren’t baselessly boasting about your services.

Suggested sells—Strategies like buy-one get half off is a great way to persuade customers to try new products. Also sharing information about what other clients are buying can be quite persuasive. For example you could have a note under products that complement each other reading something like, “Customers who received the advanced acne treatment also purchased the dark spot removal services.” It suggests that getting both is a logical decision many others have also made and therefore is likely a good investment.

Our Guest AuthorDr. Steven Zimmet is an Austin dermatologist at Zimmet Vein and Dermatology who is dedicated to venous and dermatological advancements. Dr. Zimmet was nominated by his peers for inclusion in the Best Doctors in America Database 2011-2012 and has proudly served the Austin area for several years.

Symbiotic Relationship Between SEO and Content Management Key To Future Gains

SEO and Content Management

The major buzzword around SEO campaigns these days is ‘quality’ – and predominantly it is being used in reference to content.

Indeed, Google seems to have developed an obsession with content management and, with it becoming increasingly difficult to successfully harness the majority of SEO techniques without incurring penalties, content is King.

This doesn’t mean, however, that quality content alone can deliver a successful SEO campaign – many great writers don’t know the first thing about online marketing strategy, let alone site mapping.  What it does indicate, however, is that there needs to be a symbiotic relationship between SEO and content management – the two need to go hand in hand.

Objectifying Quality

The almost contradictory reality within new SEO techniques is that Google’s algorithm tools are now judging quality; something that is generally subjective.  Indeed, recently, Google’s Vice President, Amit Singhal, stated that – “If you build high-quality content that adds value, and your readers and your users seek you out, then you don’t need to worry about anything else”.

Ensure Quality Content:

Questions to ask yourself

1. Is it unique?

2. Is it useful?

3. Is it well written?

Still, in the absence of each and every website being manually assessed by content and design professionals, with niche industry expertise, there will always be techniques that you can successfully implement, in order to enhance your website’s success.  And, on that note, Singhal also pointed out that discounting SEO would be like discounting marketing in general.

Importance of Trust and Genuine Interaction

If quality is key to content, then genuine intent is key to SEO and, in truth, once more, the two are interconnected.  Quality, unique and useful content is a major source of improving trust.  All of this can be lost, however, if you then partake in ‘shortcut’ SEO initiatives, such as paid link schemes, or over indulge in advertising.

One of the most important elements of trust – both online and in the ‘real’ word – is making yourself known.  Google seems to be intent on creating an online marketplace, which applauds the same attributes appreciated in the outside world – just with a more futuristic Star Trek-esque pizzazz.  Simply, as online marketing evolves to become ever more important, to both global and local businesses, becoming a trusted individual – as opposed to just a trusted website -is key to your success.

The process to making yourself known, in this respect, is really quite straight forward and simply revolves around developing a personal profile – a photograph, brief history, business address, certification, testimonials (real ones) and links to your personal Facebook page – is really all that is required.

There are many other techniques to support your trust building campaign, but truly they all revolve around being an active, genuine and useful member of your online community.  Yes, link building with high trust-ranking sites, such as; Universities and Government Offices, helps, but the consensus seems to be that if your content is quality and your interaction genuine and thorough, then you will achieve this anyway.

Other Trust Building Tips

(taken from ‘Proving Stuff on the Web’)


1. Clean and clear design

2. Correct spelling and grammar

3. Quality photograph of authors

4.Citations to other trustworthy sites

5. High quality graphics, screenshots,

or other images

6. Sign of social adoption (likes, shares)

7. External validation from reviewed platforms

8. Short, simple and memorable domain/brand name

9. Well reasoned, logical and intelligent content

10. Professional logo

11. On site interaction and engagement

12. Frequently updated content

13. Clear indication from author if/when bias or conflict of interest exists

Combining Your SEO With Content Management

With the basics of both content creation and SEO strategy firmly in place, it is now time to create a symbiotic relationship between the two, in an all encompassing campaign.  Indeed, such is the benefit of this symbiosis that some major agencies have even merged, in order to reap the rewards.  Loud Interactive and Alpha Zeta’s was one prime example, with some suggesting that the combined capacity had created the “ultimate web traffic stimulant”.

Fundamentally, this balance is part of ensuring that you are not simply trying to get as many people to your website as possible, but rather you are attracting the right visitors – those that will translate into tangible benefits.  This is unless you are running a site purely to make money from Adsense – in which case one-time visitors are what you are after.

To simplify things into a four-step programme of challenges; you are looking to achieve the following through your campaign:

1. Brand Identity

2. Sales

3. Interaction

4. Repeat Visitors

Within this 4-step programme, it is clear to see that quality is of primary importance.

With regards to your brand identity, it is imperative that people associate your brand/company name with quality – in terms of Information, Service and Product.  This is a major component of trust-building and it needs to be backed up at all times by quality content.

SEO techniques, such as; guest blogging and link building, as well as on site optimisation, are crucially important in ensuring that you can attract traffic to your site, but it is the reputation you can establish within your target base that will, ultimately, have more of an impact on your sales.

Interaction is the next vital component of this four-step programme and its benefits are multi-faceted.

Firstly, by inspiring and encouraging an individual to interact on your site, you are making them feel like an active and participatory member of your community.  The better a reputation your site gets, the keener other individuals and companies will be to become a part of it.

This interaction, too, develops increased trust and, of course, the additional comments and ideas from members of your community will help to enhance the benefit of your content.  It can also serve as a marketing tool in itself, by attracting other people to enter into the discussion and, thus, visit your site.

The final step involves being able to attract repeat traffic.  One sure way to ensure the success of your website is to develop an active and loyal support base.  All of the above components contribute towards this and it is crucial to maximise interaction and provide users with the information that they want.

Another major factor in securing such a loyal support base is to ensure consistency, both in terms of quality and frequency.  It is crucial that you are on top of current trends and, thus, are consistently able to provide visitors with the information they desire.  This involves having content writers who, as well as being excellent writers versed in your specific industry or sector, also have excellent research capabilities.  Developing strong relationships and partnerships with other industry leaders is also crucial, in this respect, to ensure you stay one step ahead.

Final Thoughts

Simply, it is highly beneficial to develop your content and SEO campaigns together, in order to ensure that everything fits into an overriding website management strategy.

Quality content is only quality if it is what your customers want and if it translates into sales.  Likewise, a successful SEO campaign, which attracts traffic to your site, is only truly beneficial if it is the right traffic and, thus, translates into sales.

A successful dual content and SEO strategy can help you to develop your brand and truly pave the way to becoming a successful, highly trusted, quality market leader.

Our guest author: Jonathan is the CEO of Fresh Fire Media, a company that specialises in fully comprehensive website development – from the building and hosting, to the content, SEO and marketing.  With an integrated service, they provide a well oiled, collaborative digital presence that delivers exceptional results with longevity.

What Is The Secret To Viral Marketing?

With the boom in dotcom businesses, there has been a subsequent explosion in the success of viral marketing. By using social media to spreading the word about your business, product or interests you can capture traffic, which depending on your ambitions can either be translated into a cash return or help you to build your online brand.

Finding Your Edge!

With 48 hours worth of video material being uploaded to YouTube every minute, to execute a successful viral marketing strategy takes consideration. Although there are a few basic principles to guide you in producing strong viral content (which this article will address in a moment), the real secret to producing profitable viral marketing is this: the main reason social media users share anything is in order to build their own image. If you keep this simple truth at the forefront of your mind at all times you will find it easy to produce super shareable viral content.  If your clip is able to provoke a reaction, it is more likely to be shared. Simple!

Share Your Creative Juices

Perhaps the first principal when it comes to successful viral marketing is size. Keep your clips short, sweet and preferably ripe for a remi x. Also remember that whatever you want to go viral – a video, an animation or a jingle – your piece of content should aim to be unusual. Whilst it’s almost impossible to be original nowadays try to think outside the box when it comes to developing your idea. Another clip of a dog barking the words ‘I love you!’ is not likely to spread like wildfire.

Ship’em Out!

Remember that attention span is a short and precious thing. Attempting to slow release content or encourage people to return for a scheduled announcement just isn’t going to work. If you have related items, release them at the same time and cash in on those click throughs.

Finding a home Sweet Home

Think carefully about which forum you might release your material through – forums belonging to your target demographic are a great place to start. Likewise, using social media platforms can be a great place to begin circulating your content through your faithful followers. If you think your material is strong enough, use a charm offensive to target a celebrity with similar interests. Just one repost from them and you could be well on your way to a huge share count.

Theirs A Time And A Place

Plan your release by picking a sensible time to share. Don’t compete with television schedules or make a post whilst the football is on. Think about the trends that are relevant to your chosen topic and try to time your release and if possible, try to connect your viral to an existing promotion. Most reposts happen on Twitter between 9am and 6pm, on Facebook around lunchtime and in the evening and Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday are the best weekdays for sharing as people are bored at work.

Always Fresh

Keep it current and concise. Choose trending topics, news items, anything that will grab your audience’s attention instantly. When you title it, keep by-lines pithy and purposeful and remember that friendly titles that will translate clearly when shared are ideal.

Hook, Line And Sinker

With these tips in mind, you will be well on your way to a successful viral marketing campaign in just the click of a mouse. 

About our guest author: Steve Seymour is MD at Project Print Solutions, a printing and design company based in Manchester, UK.

How to Make Videos with SEO in Mind

Make video with SEOOnline marketing is more than just running a search engine optimization campaign for your website and social media marketing. A good online marketing campaign should include every type of media possible, especially videos. By including online videos into your Internet marketing strategy, you will ensure that you create and distribute content in a format that your target audience enjoys consuming.  But how do you  make videos with SEO  in mind so they are seen by the search engines?
Let’ take a look here:

Keyword Optimization

Just like you would with a website, you need to optimize your videos for your target keywords. By placing your target keywords in strategic locations of your video files, you will increase the likelihood that these videos are found via online searches. Some places where you need to place your keywords are:

• Title
• Video File Name
• Alt Tags
• Link Text
• Video Description

When you place your target keywords in those locations with each video you upload, you will give the search engine bots a better idea as to what your content is about. This will help the bots rank your videos appropriately in the search results, allowing people to easily find your videos online.

Build Links to your Videos

In addition to optimizing your videos for specific keywords, you will need to build links to your videos just like you would with a website. When you create a number of backlinks that point to your videos, search engines will view your videos as containing valuable content because other people are linking to them. When your videos are viewed as having valuable content, search engines will be more likely to include your videos in their search results so that they can give their users the best content possible related to their search queries.

High Quality Content

In order for your online video marketing campaign to be a success, your videos need to contain high quality content. By making sure each of your videos contains content that people will actually enjoy viewing, you will increase your chances of having your videos be shared online. Once your marketing videos are able to go viral, you will see a ton of backlinks come in to your videos, improving your search engine rankings in the process.

If you produce low-quality videos that do not contain useful information, people will not want to view all of the videos you produce. After one viewing people will think your videos are a waste of time and will move on to the next company that offers better quality content. This is why it is so important to create videos with high quality content as you will have an easier time keeping your target audience engaged with your online videos.

Use Exciting Titles

Another tip you can use to help improve the SEO associated with your online video marketing campaign is to use exciting titles that entice people to click on your video. It can be rather easy for a video’s URL to get lost in the mix if you use a boring title. If no one is enticed to click your link, fewer people will actually view your video. By making sure you create eye catching, interesting tittles, you will increase your chances of getting clicks on your links and therefore will have better results with your video marketing campaign.

Video marketing should be an important piece of your overall online marketing strategy. Through the use of high quality videos, you will be able to reach more of your target demographic, especially the subset that enjoys consuming their content in video form. When using this marketing technique, you will want to ensure you use your target keywords in strategic locations of your video, build links to your videos and create eye catching titles to attract more clicks. Using these tips should help you see the best results possible when it comes to running an online video marketing campaign.

About our guest author: Professional writer and SEO consultant, Sebastin Webb, born and raised in New York. Today he writes about the importance of incorporating SEO into your videos.  Although it is a very powerful tool,  not many people use the power of YouTube.