Denial Of Service Attacks Growing In Size And Frequency

DDoS Attack

A distributed denial of service or DDoS attack can make a website or an entire network unavailable to users for hours, days or even longer. This type of attack is accomplished by groups who overwhelm a website with data or requests until it slows down or crashes completely.

Denial of service attacks have been increasing in the past few years as the hackers involved in this have perfected their skills in knocking people offline.  Attacks grew by 70 percent in the first half of 2012 and have even been used against large corporations and government agencies. The increase in DDoS has many worried that they too will become a target for these kinds of attacks.

Denial Of Service

Those who engage in denial of service attacks are very skilled at shutting down their targets using botnets.  A botnet is a network of hundreds or thousands of infected PCs that the attacker controls which can flood a website with requests.

The numerous requests end up cutting off access to the site and the user is no longer able to connect to their website. Botnets can even be hired out solely for the purpose of denial of service attacks. People can also volunteer their own PCs to be used in an attack.

Impact Of A DDoS Attack 

The impact of a DDoS attack can be catastrophic for organizations that lose access to their sites and cannot communicate or process transactions for days. Many businesses must suffer significant financial losses from losing access to their site as a result of these attacks even if they are only offline for one day.

Some attackers target bigger organizations but almost any company or website can be vulnerable to a DDoS attack. There are more than 7,ooo attacks daily but this number is still on the rise as they are growing more rapidly than ever before.

A Growing Trend 

The trend with the growing number of DDoS attacks seems to be shorter attack duration but bigger packet-per-second attack volume. The average attack bandwidth has increased by more than a hundred percent in the past few years. The increase in the number and size of the attacks has many companies alarmed about what could happen if they are targeted for an attack.

It appears that many of the attacks are motivated by political or ideological conflicts. Those involved can often implement an attack because they disagree with an organization’s policies. There are many other types of attacks, however, and it hard to say whether anyone is safe from this growing problem.

The Targets Of Service Attacks 

As more people become the targets of denial of service attacks it is a growing concern for those who stand to lose a lot of money from being forced offline. In order to prevent these types of attacks from occurring, people need to seek better security for their companies and be more aware of their vulnerabilities.

Anyone can be a target for a DDoS and it is important to be more cautious about the possibility of attack so as to prevent it from happening at all costs.

Our Guest Blogger, Leo Hart, has a passion for cloud computing from his time spent with Custom Cloud where he helps businesses setup customized virtual servers

An Insight Into Google Webmaster Tools

Google Webmaster ToolsGoogle Webmaster Tools is a free web service that Google provides to webmasters. By using these tools, webmasters can check the indexing status of their websites and can optimize the website for better visibility. The increased visibility is limited to only Google search and not to other search engines. Many people who use Google Webmaster Tools are now aware of this fact, as this information is not highlighted clearly. Google Webmaster Tools is a very popular solution that most webmasters use to improve the Search Engine Ranking Optimization of websites. You can find more information regarding Google Webmaster Tools here,

Using Google Webmaster Tools

  • Only webmasters can use Google Webmaster Tools. Therefore, you will need to prove your ownership of the website before you can use the tools.
  • To use Google Webmaster Tools, you will have to create your account.
  • Go to the home page of Google Webmaster Tools (
  • If you have a Google Account, use it to log into the site.
  • If you do not have a Google Account, you will have to sign up for an account.
  • After logging into the account, you can add the website details.
  • You will be provided with options to verify the ownership of the website.
  • You can verify using any of the following methods
    • HTML file upload method
    • HTML tag method
    • Domain name provider
    • Google Analytics
    • Google Tag Manager
    • Once the website is verified, you will be able to access the Google Webmaster Tools dashboard for the website.

Advantages of Integrating Google Webmaster Tools

By integrating Google Webmaster Tools, you will be able to monitor the following by using the tool

1.       Crawl errors

Google Webmaster Tools will allow you to identify errors that Google bots have encountered when trying to crawl in your website. This will allow you to review these errors and rectify them.

2.       Top search queries

This function of the tool will provide you with details regarding the top search queries that have led audiences to your website. Using this tool, you can identify if the website is displayed in search results when search is done for appropriate keywords or phrases

3.       Keywords

This tool will also provide you details regarding the top keywords that are associated with your website.

4.       Site links

The various links that lead to your website will be displayed in this tool.

5.       Sitemaps

By using Google Webmaster Tools, you can upload sitemaps for websites.

How is Google Webmaster Tools different to Google Analytics?

  • Google Analytics will provide you details of total traffic to your website whereas Google Webmaster Tools will provide you with traffic details for each keyword separately.
  • Google Analytics will provide you statistical data on visitors to your site whereas Google Webmaster Tools will give you information on how Google sees your site in the perception of a search engine.

It is a great combination to use Google Analytics and Google Webmaster Tools in unison as it will provide you with many statistical data that can be used to improve traffic to your website. It will also allow you to identify if your marketing campaign or SEO campaign is providing you with your desired results.

Our guest blogger: Matthew Anton is an experienced webmaster who has been using Google Webmaster Tools to analyze and rectify website data in his websites. Matthew writes regular post on

Impact Of Typography On Web Design + Tips & Trends

Typography In Web Design

Back in 2006, I read an article published by Oliver Reichenstein. Even in 2013, one thing about it really sticks out to me. It is the rather simple point that 95% of what is on the web is typography. I had never thought about that before, but it is true. The internet is primarily text based, even on videos of images where there is at least some context explained in the description. Which means that the majority of the web is made up of typography in one form or another.

This might seem rather obvious, but I had genuinely never considered the true impact of typography on the web, or in web design. Even a website that is almost entirely images would have to have some text t get to a secondary page. If you had no secondary page and it was all a single page with no text on it at all, you still have the typography used for the URL. There is no way to have a website that doesn’t incorporate typography in a viewable form in some way. That doesn’t even take into consideration the text used for coding behind the scenes.

For me, this is an incredible fact. The web is this interwoven collection of languages and text, something I might never have realized had I not read Mr. Reichenstein’s piece.

When looking to effectively incorporate typography into your web design, it is about more than just going with what looks pretty on the page. By thinking of it as being dynamic in the face of so much content, you instead have to stand out among that 95%. Using certain tips and examining the trends can be a good way to do that.

Trends In 2013

Grunge fonts

  • Grunge Fonts – Fonts that throw back to the 90’s grunge movement, such as what you would have seen on album covers and show posters, have been making the rounds a lot this year. Especially on websites for apps and programs. A few examples are All Ages, Scorched Earth and the more grunge chic font Dirty and Classic.
  • Large Fonts – Web designs that use huge lettering as their primary design have been more popular this year than ever before. They sit in the center of the page, acting as a header with smaller fonts beneath that better expands on what they are trying to advertise. Often these designs don’t rely entirely on typography, but are broken up by images and sign-up forms. A good example if ShopFlow, which uses large text but doesn’t let it entirely overpower the site.
  • Going Vintage – A lot of vintage looking typography is being used lately, and this is probably my favorite trend of the year. Whether it is handwritten script or something that looks like it might have been made from a classical typewriter, there are some really great examples out there. Pinfluence has several types of typography on their site, but the header is very vintage in look. Another rather nice font I have seen used on several blogs lately is Mercury Script from Creative Market.

Tips For Using Typography In Web Design

  • Keep It Simple – I am not one of those people who will insist that you use a single font for a web design. It comes out looking bland, quite often, or more like a blog post than a website. But you shouldn’t overdo it, either. Two or three fonts will usually suffice, and create a dynamic design that can really pop.
  • Offer Plenty of Empty Space – Having your text too close together can ruin the design, even with the perfect font selected. Properly measure the space between every line, so it looks more clean and less cluttered. You should also measure space surrounding the area containing the text, as well as the kerning (space between letters). All pacing should be consistent, and these subtle changes can make a big difference, especially when using serif fonts.
  • Use Pronounced Headers – Whether you are doing an entire paragraph with a more pronounced font/size, or just the beginning letter, it is important to pronounce the beginning of sections with something that stands out. With an article, this can be as simple as just using bold to breakup the text. But in a design a more creative approach is necessary to differentiate one section from another when skimming the page.
  • Select Colors By Readability – That design you developed with the light pink font might seem pretty cool. But it might not be optimized for all users, and so can negatively impact the end result. You don’t want anything that could create eye strain, look wrong on mobile devices or potentially be invisible to those with color blindness. Contrast is a great way to select a color, such as light fonts on dark backgrounds, or dark fonts on light backgrounds. Small differences in tint are usually all that is needed for a creative design, like dark blue instead of black.

Have any tips on using typography in web design? Or have you seen some examples of trends this year that you think hold merit? Let us know in the comments.

Our guest blogger Michelle is the creative blogger for Dobovo.
We take typography very seriously!

What Types Of Businesses Need A Mobile Website?

Mobile website designHow many people do you know who don’t have a smartphone? Can you count them on one hand and have fingers to spare? How many of those constantly use their phones to find information on the web? It’s a safe bet to say all of them. Even the few troglodytes who only have feature phones occasionally use them to find information on the net.

The point being made is that everyone uses the mobile web, and most people use it several times a day. They use it to access their social networks, to read news and, very importantly for businesses, to find goods and service providers and buy products.

This means that if you have a business, you need a mobile website. However, some businesses need mobile websites more than others.

The bad news for small businesses with limited budgets is that they need mobile websites more than others. The good news for small businesses with limited budgets is that the returns on mobile websites more than make up for the initial expense.

Let’s take a closer look at exactly what types of businesses absolutely can’t do without a mobile website.

  • Restaurants

In May 2012, Bryson Meunier cited some statistics from Google that revealed 88% of all searches for the keyword ‘restaurants’ came from mobile phones. The most often-used restaurant-related search terms on mobile phones included ‘locations’, ‘hours’, and ‘menu’. This suggests that mobile users want to get very specific information from their search results. If your restaurant doesn’t provide this very specific information in a mobile format, it’s losing out on a major audience.

There is one very important reason why small local restaurants need to get their act together and get mobile websites. Mobile users aren’t really looking for franchises or fast food places. If they do, they specifically search for franchise names. Instead, they conduct vague exploratory searches to find out what happens to be nearby. For example, they may be in the mood for Chinese food and so they conduct a random search for Chinese restaurants in their vicinity. Now, if you own a Chinese restaurant, you want to ensure that you pop up at the top of those search results. And that means that you need a mobile website that includes an address, directions, contact numbers, and easy-to-read menu.

  • Service providers

It used to be possible for service providers to rely on an ad in the Yellow Pages and the local newspaper to get business. Now, however, it’s easier to reach for the phone than to hunt for the paper that could already be lining the cat litter tray and the Yellow Pages was probably thrown on the recycling pile as soon as it was delivered.

As a service provider, your best bet is to use your mobile site to punt your services before your company info and to provide geographic and location-specific information and glowing testimonials on major landing pages.

  • Retailers

Mobile users may not always make purchases on their mobile phones, but they do a lot of ‘window’ and comparative shopping. They also do a lot of searching for words like ‘discount’ and ‘coupon’. As a retailer you need to emphasise your products on your mobile site, and proudly proclaim your special offers, promotions, and coupons. Users need to see at glance exactly why you’re better than all the stores in the area. Geographic and location-specific information is a must.

Meunier cites additional stats that show 90% of mobile users take action as a result of their mobile searches. In the case of a small restaurant, this could mean a full table. In the case of a service provider, it could mean a booking. And while retailers might not necessarily make a sale online, this could mean that they entice users with open wallets through their door.

People almost literally live on their mobile phones these days. They rely on them for everything from Skyping their boss to Facebooking their mom. And, of course, they use them to make vital decisions, like where to eat, which plumber to use, and where to buy that vintage dress. All of which means that if you’re a small business, you can’t afford not to have a mobile website.

Our Guest Blogger Jemima Winslow, has five years’ experience working in online marketing and has had the satisfaction of watching many small business owners reap the returns after taking a chance and investing in mobile site development.