The New Domain Name Gold Rush and What It Means To Your Business

New Domain Name Gold RushThe domain name pool among .com, .net, and .org extensions is beginning to run dry. There are still websites for sale at Latonas and other brokerage companies, but finding unregistered domains is becoming difficult. These names are critical because they represent both the key name that pops up in a search engine result as well as the logical name to enter when looking for a particular subject or business via the HTML address of a web page. The resulting demand and limited supply has made website brokerage businesses profitable.

New Internet Real Estate

According to Forbes, in June 2012 the folks who regulate the Internet address system, ICANN, released its latest report on everyone who has applied for a new domain extension, essentially creating an entire new family of addresses within that ending.

The address application is not a simple endeavor, which is why the average small or medium business has never pursued it. Each domain extension application costs a $185,000 fee to apply, without even a guarantee of approval. Essentially, the big Fortune 500 players with millions of dollars to throw into marketing made up most of the applications.

The interesting aspect of the recently released report, however, was who applied. According to CNNMoney, big names like Apple, Google, and Amazon were all in the mix with the most applied titles. Over all, U.S. companies made up half of the total applications with a third going to Europe and the remainder in Asia.

Marketing Opportunity or Just Buzz?

So if the big players have all the new name addresses, then how is this a marketing opportunity for smaller players? Simple, those who work in particular industries have a great opening within which to establish a new piece of real estate associated with the major name that may dominate that industry. Just because a Fortune 500 company may own the title to .apple or .google doesn’t mean they will end up being the only ones to use that ending. In fact, each one of these big players operates a piece of their industry within which thousands of smaller businesses operate specifically.

For example, for all the business Apple does, there are thousands of app developers, repair businesses, accessory manufacturers, and independent software or hardware engineers who work on Apple related systems or equipment. They all represent independent businesses that work within the Apple “environment.” So grabbing a piece of .apple is a major opportunity for focused traffic that already wants Apple-related services or goods. It’s all in the name.

Additionally, many generic names are at stake as well. Potential addresses like .pizza or .docs are all included in the applications according to PCWorld.

Related: 18 HOT Online Marketing Tips

Availability Schedule

The new Internet websites for sale are not yet available and likely won’t be until 2013. So website brokerage dealers need to wait a bit. Each application made has to go through an ICANN review before it can be approved and made available. The first access involves a testing period to make sure it works with the rest of the Internet. Then, if passed, the new ending can be used as a domain address. Ultimately, how Internet users react to the new addresses will determine whether or not they are useful, but there is potential for small and big business alike, especially in the very crowded neighborhood that the Internet is right now.

Mobile Email Marketing Infographic

Email marketing still has a lot of usefulness and a great impact on your marketing campaign if done correctly. That means mobile viewing/coding must be taken into account as there are more people than ever viewing their email from a mobile device. This infographic shows the 10 most important features of a mobile email campaign incuding the flow, design, importance and structure.

I was quoted in Website Magazine this month…

Peter Marino, Chief Designer and CMO of New York-based HTML5 Web design and social media marketing firm,

“Although I can not speak for all Web designers I would have to say my biggest problem is getting a constant flow of new clientele. If you work for yourself you probably understand what I mean. Therefore, I think it’s important that all designers understand SEO and some PPC marketing in addition to their design skill-sets. If you don’t have a webmaster tools account for both Google and Bing you need to open one and figure out how to utilize all of the components in it. In addition to this you should have an AdWords/AdCenter account in both Google and Bing respectively.”

See the full article here:

Typography Tutorial: Typography as a Designer’s Declaration of Independence: A

Tired of using the same old standard fonts in all your web pages? For too long now basic fonts like Georgia, Verdana and Arial have ruled the day on most websites. More than ever, modern design aesthetics demand variety to allow your web page to be notable and declare a truly unique entity. Use the below typography tutorial to make your website unique today!


Until @font-face showed up in the CSS world, however, there simply wasn’t a reliable method of including unique fonts that would be viewable through all different web browsers. All the major browsers, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Internet Explorer now support @font-face, which has lead to a proliferation of new stylistic options without resorting to images for fancy fonts.
{NOTE: This will also help your search engine optimization since the text will be legible by the search engines. This is even more important if the fancy font’s you want to use are being used for H1 headers as opposed to the old method of using images for fancy text headers.}

Choosing a Font

The proprietary rights of font types actually made for one of the big stumbling blocks early on in the development of the @font-face approach. Simply put, not many open source fonts cleared for web use were available until recently.
If you’re purchasing a font, you will need to make sure it comes with a web license, otherwise you could be in violation of intellectual property rights. A simpler solution—especially if you’re working on a budget—is to choose from the many free web fonts available that have sprung up in recent years. Many users enjoy the sites Font Squirrel and Fontex, but Google has also joined in the free font’s game, offering a vast library of open source fonts through a very easy to use platform.

Using @Font-Face

Now that you’ve selected your font, installing it into your CSS style sheet is remarkably easy. All you have to do is include a font-specific rule in your style sheet, referencing the files in a very similar manner as you would an image. This means that you will need to upload your font type to your server in order for your style sheet to access it (unless you are using Google Fonts, which will allow you to source the font directly from its library).

For this example, let’s say we’re using one a font titled “Happy_Monkey”:

@font-face {
font-family: 'Happy Monkey', Arial, cursive;
src: url(/happymonkey.otf);

With this code you’ve told your style sheet about a font you’d like to use (“font-family”), and where it can find it (“src”). Here it’s important to note that different browsers recognize different font types. All major browsers, however, recognize “OTF” and “TFF” font types, so you are best sticking to those two.

Now that you’ve told your style sheet about your font, you’ll need to tell it how you’d like to use it. For example, if you’d like to use it as Heading 1, use this code:

h1 {
font-family: ‘Happy Monkey’, Arial, serif; font-weight: 400;

If you’d like the font for your body text, simple change the “h1” to say “body.” If you’d like to designate the font for all your text, insert something like this:

body, h1, h2, h3 {
font-family: ‘Happy Monkey’, Arial, serif; font-weight: 400;

Please note that’s it’s important to include default fonts so your text will still appear in a manner acceptable to you. In the above code, if “Happy Monkey” failed to load the font would have appeared as “Arial” instead.


The @font face rule is useful, stylistic and easy to implement using CSS3. Designing a website has become more personalized than ever. Enjoy your new tool for independence and personalization!

By: Peter Marino
Peter Marino is the chief designer at He’s a proficient HTML5 web designer who matches design with the marketing direction of the individual or company who hires him. He can be reached at: Peter is also for hire as a web design writer.