Seven Tips For Engaging And Traffic Generating Content

content marketingWebsites tend to be the first place that your customers turn to in order to find the information about your company, products or services that they want. Most businesses today know that having an online presence is important, which is why most companies today have a website.

Along with simply having a website, the content on your website is important. You need to make sure that your site contains information that your audience wants, and you also want to make sure it includes the information that will give you a better chance at having a solid SEO strategy.

In order to create the best possible content for your website, you need to implement the following tips.

1. Be concise.

Internet users don’t have hours to spend reading the content on your website, so don’t bombard them with long pages full of copy. In fact, if a reader believes that your content is too long, they’re not going to stay and read what you have to say. Make sure that your content is clear and concise. Don’t write fluff copy. Instead, stick to the point, and give your readers exactly what they want.

2. Use headers.

Most Internet users will scan websites before deciding whether or not they’re going to read the copy. This is why it’s extremely important to use headers on your website. This allows you to break your content up into appropriate sections and allows your readers to easily find what it is that they’re looking for.

3. Format appropriately.

The format of your content is important. If your content is formatted in a way that allows your readers to find information in a clear and easy way, it’s going to attract them to your site. Be sure to keep your paragraphs short, use bullet points when appropriate, and always bold your headings. The better your content is formatted, the more attractive it will be for your audience.

4. Stay active.

Your readers are scanning your content in real time, so make sure that you are always using active voice and calls to action to help your audience stay interested in your content and stay on your site.

5. Proofread your work.

The last thing you want to do is work hard on content, publish it, and find that you have spelling or grammatical mistakes. Make sure that you are always proofreading your work before you launch it live on your site. Have other people read through the content to ensure it’s perfect, and even use a spelling and grammar checker like Grammarly grammar check online tool to help ensure your content is complete and error free.

6. Add content to all pages.

Search engine crawlers will look at every web page that has content, so in order to give your website the best advantage for being ranked on search engines, you want to make sure you have content on every page. Even a sentence or two can help boost your site’s rankings.

7. Don’t forget about your images.

Images and videos on your site should have alt tags that contain content. These items are also scanned by search engines, so adding keywords to these videos and images will help your site’s SEO strategy.

Our Guest Blogger – John Martinez is a marketer and freelance writer currently living in San Francisco. John loves teaching interactive marketing and SEO techniques.

Video Marketing 101: 4 Basics Of A Successful Video

video marketing basicsEye-catching, captivating videos can boost your brand awareness quickly. Viewers enjoy seeing a real, live, authentic person speak their message via videos. Speaking and motioning on video can make a firm and impression on the mind of your collective target market versus writing blog posts or articles. Rousing potential customers or clients through video marketing can grow your internet marketing campaign on solid ground. Take the time to study video marketing masters to see what works and apply these same fundamentals to your video marketing efforts.

Pay Strict Attention to Lighting

Lighting can make or break your videos. If you film a video at high noon you might appear too white and if you film videos early in the morning or later in the evening you will appear to be a shadowy figure. Shoot a test clip to check lighting conditions before you create your final draft. Avoid wasting your time by marking certain times and spots as ideal shooting conditions. Maybe you note that the late afternoon sun best complements your complexion, or that shooting videos at a certain spot in your yard produces the perfect lighting environment. Record notes on what videos seemed to produce ideal lighting to revisit these spots at specific times of day in the future.

Use Nature to Your Benefit

Nature serves as quite possibly the best video background. Ditch the white wall indoors and head outside to use a captivating, awe-inspiring background. Smart video marketers use the beach, or the hills, or even a simply tree in the park to add an enchanting air to their video creations. Nature inspires you to be more, have more and do more. Why not use nature to spice up your videos? Create a compelling video by heading outside to use nature as your perfect background.

Focus on the Camera

Look into my eyes! In the case of videos you must look directly into the camera to make a strong connection with your audience. People generally distrust someone who makes little eye contact; you want someone to look you directly in the eyes to see where they are coming from. When it comes to videos you need to look directly into the camera lens to look into the eyes of your target audience, since people will be staring back at you when your videos play online. Practice looking directly into the camera during each video. Observe your uploaded videos; you make frequent eye contact or look away too much? Stare into the camera to make a strong connection with your viewers.

Practice Daily

Some people create one to two videos each week. If you tried to become a pro in any niche, creating once or twice each week, how long would it take to master your skill set? 50 years, if that. Spend time creating videos daily to see a marked improvement in your video creating skills. By devoting more time to your craft you can quickly see an improvement in your videos. Practice makes perfect, and even if you do not feel like a natural now, you will be amazed at your progress if you keep at it.

Our guest blogger is Kelli Cooper – a freelance writer who blogs about all things video marketing, from how to promote videos online to choosing media replication services for hard copy marketing materials.

Internal Linking: 3 Best Practices For 2013

Internal linking

When it comes to SEO, we’re often focused completely on the practice of building our catalog of external links for our clients’ websites. But just as important is the practice of building your repertoire of internal links. If you consider any link as a recommendation of your site in the same way you consider external links recommendations to Google that, “Hey, this site has good content,” then why wouldn’t you recommend your own content and web pages to Google? This is why Internal Linking is such an important tool of SEO specialists, especially if you have a well-ranked high authority site already. You can use your well-trafficked and highly ranked pages to direct spiders and users to more content such as a limited-time campaign “recommended” by the high authority page. Likewise, internal linking provides important navigational features to your site that help users orient themselves and find what they want on your site without having to use search boxes or find orphan pages.
In the year 2013, these are mistakes nobody should be making, but there are also some important things you can do that your competitors might not be that can help you get an edge on the competition.

1. Link to Your Most Profitable/Converting Pages

It goes without saying that at the end of the day companies hire SEO specialists and Internet marketers to help them make money. So, as someone in one of those positions, you want to drive users to the most profitable and highest converting pages on a client’s site. Therefore, the more inbound links to that page, the more you’ll show up in the search engines and (hopefully) get more traffic. Of course, don’t just post href HTML codes everywhere, but don’t neglect the fact that many very profitable businesses put “most popular items” or “recently searched” in their top navigation. You already know these are highly converting pages, so why wouldn’t you try and increase exposure of these pages?

2. Link to Relevant, Related Pages

Nobody wants to have excessive links on a web page. It looks messy, cluttered and overly aggressive on behalf of the business. That being said, most web sites actually underutilize internal links rather than abuse them. If you’ve ever been a regular browser of Wikipedia, you’ll know that providing links to related, relevant and quality content can drive traffic to other pages you wouldn’t have originally considered. That’s why in your SEO strategy you should be utilizing SEO to link to related content on a regular basis. For example, if your client’s site runs a blog and the client has a web page or another blog on a related or relevant subject, you might want to consider linking to these pages. Say your site had a page on landscaping, and you wrote a blog about landscaping. This would be a great time to internally link to that central web page or an earlier blog about a similar landscaping service. Though it may seem obvious, you’d be surprised how many webmasters, content developers and SEO specialists neglect to do this. Google also gives a boost to pages linked with relevant anchor text to the page’s content–which as you’ve just seen is something you can easily do.

3. Provide Breadcrumb Navigation

I can’t think of a web browser that doesn’t have a back button, but that doesn’t mean you should let your users rely on it. Breadcrumb navigation (i.e. linking back to a more broad page from one with a narrower scope or focus) is often forsaken in favor of users’ browser back buttons. Nevertheless, breadcrumbs are a great way of ensuring your pages aren’t dead-ends, enhancing the navigational experience for users as well as sneaking in a couple extra internal links. Retail outlets and e-commerce sites such as Wal-Mart and Amazon are common users of this strategy for their sites, and clearly they’re doing pretty well in the search engine rankings. Why shouldn’t you? As an added plus, it again also allows you to easily and thoughtlessly add relevance to web pages with anchor text that is almost undeniably related to the web page in question.

Our guest blogger is Ricardo Casas is the CEO and founder of Fahrenheit Marketing LLC, an Austin, Texas based internet marketing company. With over a decade of experience in the field, Ricardo has seen the field change dramatically and knows how to adapt quickly to the pressures of the rapidly changing world of SEO.

The Ten Most Expensive Domains Ever Sold

Top selling domain names of all timeThese days, you can get a .com domain name for as little as $9.99. But if you’ve already registered a domain and a brand wants it, it can be worth millions.

One thing is for sure – big brands are willing to pay big bucks to snap up internet real estate if it suits their needs.

If you sell shoes, wouldn’t you want to get your hands on, even if you’d just be using it to direct your visitors to your main website?

Of course you would and you’d probably also be willing to go to great lengths to make it yours.

So here are the top 10 most expensive domains ever sold:

1. is the most expensive domain name ever sold, having been bought for $16M by Quin Street in 2009. “We have sold our name and specified website content in a significant cash transaction that we think is in the best long-term interest of our shareholders,” said Robert Bland, CEO of

2. is second on the list, having been sold in 2006 for $13M which saw it break into the Guinness Book of World Records in the High Price Paid for a Domain category. In October 2010 it sold again, this time for $14M.

3. 2008 was sold privately and at $9.9m it was the highest cash price sale ever reporter, having been paid for in an all-cash transaction.

And it wasn’t a one-off – writing at the time Ron Jackson of DN Journal said: “With the highest sale on record, another three sales in the six-figure range and 44 sales reaching at least five figures this was a pretty darn good week for domains.”

The fact the economy was supposedly on the skids at the time made the high volume of transactions even more impressive.

4. 2007

The adult industry’s top domain name – – sold for $9.5M in 2007 to MXN Limited. Given the success of, it’s slightly surprising it didn’t go for even more.


Facebook bought for $8.5M in November 2010 from the American Farm Bureau Federation, which is 42 times the amount the company originally paid for “The Farm Bureau agreed to sell us and we in return have agreed not to sell farm subsidies,” Zuckerberg said in a post on

6. 1999

Another big sale was for that was sold in 1999 for $7.5M. The domain was initially registered by two friends who wanted to use it to create their own B2B site. Then they sold it for 46 times what they originally paid. How’s that for a profit?


If you’re selling jewellery online, is one of the most desirable domain names, which is why it changed hands for $7.5M for back in 2006.


It’s understandable that Interbrew would want to own, which was originally used as a review site where people could go and rate their favourite beers. In 2004, Interbrew stepped in and bought it for $7 million. However, rumours are that Interbrew actually paid the owners in stock, rather than cash.


There’s no information on who actually bought for $5.88 million in 2008. However, the seller, Joel Noel Friedman, became a celebrity when he revealed he decided to sell the domain to celebrate Israel’s 60th anniversary.

10. is the 10th most expensive domain name ever sold and it’s now owned by a company in Gibraltar that paid $5.5 million for it in 2003.

So there you have it – ten domain names which netted their respective owners a fortune. Maybe yours could be next.
Guest post by Alex Gavril of, the UK’s largest domain name provider.