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Can Being Afraid Really Help You Perform Better?

Photo by Robert Scoble (Flickr)

Can fear make designers more productive? Some recent studies and research have shown this to be true. Having said that, the method to increase productivity may have some negative side effects if implemented. Keep reading if you want to know why scaring someone can get them to work harder – and why it might not be the best of ideas.

How Fear Increases Work Productivity

Here’s a look at some of the ways that being afraid can make people work harder.

  • Economy – The biggest reason fear works is because of the state of the economy around the world currently. Many people feel they’re lucky to have a job – any job. Even if they hate going to work, they take this as a part of life and something that must be done.

  • Fear of Unknown – Not having a job in the current employment market can be a scary thing. When people with college degrees and many years of experience are having problems finding a job, people are more loathe to lose the job they have and face the unknown.

  • Other Workers – When people are fired for not working hard enough, it can have a big effect on how hard other people work. Once a culture of fear has invaded a workplace, it can be hard to disperse. And this can have long lasting negative effects.

Why Productivity Through Fear is Bad

Here’s a look at why this might not be a good thing in the long term.

  • Morale – One of the biggest problems with increased production via fear is that it can be very bad for morale. While production may increase, the quality may be missing. When morale of workers is low, it can affect a company’s ability to operate.

  • Burnout – And when morale becomes too low, burnout is a very real problem. When this happens, productivity can go through the floor – and stay there for a while which can really affect your bottom line.

  • Negative Image – If a company uses tactics of fear to get their workers to work harder – either overtly or on the sly – word can quickly spread, harming the company’s public image. With the Internet, this bad publicity can spread quickly and have a lasting effect on a brand.

As you can see, even if people are working harder because they are afraid, it might not be the best thing in the world for everyone involved. From the workers themselves – who may face burnout – to the employers – who may have quality control issues – fear can do more harm than good. What do you think? Do you work harder because you’re afraid of losing your job? Leave a comment below – anonymously if you want.

Author Bio:-
Adam prattler is a tech savvy and an amazing blogger. He likes to write blogs whenever he has some free time. Along with that, he also knows some mortgage brokers in west virginia from whom he gets information about the financial situation of real estate in that area.

Four Benefits of Content Marketing for Small Businesses

Engaging And Traffic Generating ContentAre you using content marketing to grow your small business? If not, start using it at the earliest otherwise you are likely to lose your customers to your competitors.

Content marketing is important for small businesses because it allows them to build customer relationship as well as create product awareness by providing valuable information to the consumer. Many businesses have already allocated portions of their budget to content marketing and other digital marketing platforms because consumers are spending more of their time online.

According to Content Marketing Institute, 91% of B2B marketers and 86% of B2C marketers are using content marketing. These figures clearly indicate that businesses of all sizes are using content marketing. If you own a small business, you should be taking the fullest advantage of content marketing because unlike print marketing, content marketing is very affordable, and is much more targeted. Here are four ways that small businesses can benefit from content marketing.

1.   Educates your customers
As a small business owner, you should take this opportunity of creating content that is informative, relevant and credible to educate your customers on your business, products, services, solutions, etc. It will help customers understand your business better, and they are likely to share your content on social channels with their friends and family. Content that is well put on your business website has chances of getting noticed and likely to help customers in their buying decision.

2.   Builds brand awareness through engagement
The content that you publish in your small business website should be related to your business and should be of quality. This not only builds brand awareness and loyalty, but also drives traffic to your site. Content in your website is a reflection of your business, so be creative and post worthwhile content, so that consumers will stay on your site for longer and the chances of engagement will increase.

3.   Strong customer relationships
Customers are looking for solutions to their problems and by creating and publishing meaningful content you will be able to solve their problems. Customers will have a good rapport with your business once they see you are honestly trying to help them solve their problems with helpful content. It will help you establish as a valuable and long lasting relation between your business and your customers.

4.   Improves your listing in organic search engine results
Quality content in your business website will draw visitors to your site, and in this way your small business can achieve high organic search engine result listings. Content such as white papers, blog posts, case studies, e-books and so forth to educate consumers will earn you a reputation as a reliable source of information and help you in improving your websites search engine ranking.

Content marketing is a must for every serious small business and if you are finding it difficult and don’t have the knowledge to do it in-house, it is better to outsource your content marketing needs to a reputed service provider in order to reap the maximum benefits.

Our guest blogger Nancy R Jones is a writer and blogger for Marvist Consulting LLC which offers small business Internet marketing services. Internet marketing strategy services from Marvist Consulting are aimed to help you build online credibility, generate business leads & enable revenue generation. Since establishment in 2005, Marvist’s SEO services have earned the goodwill of clients with uncompromising commitment to business values while delivering expert services.