Category Archives: Social Media Marketing

The Art Of Balancing Content Creation And Promotion

Many people can be seen to be debating over content creation and promotion. Both are known to be unique and important in their own way and individuals are recommended to give a good amount of attention to them in order to acquire a good feedback from the customers and real-time visitors. When it comes to the importance of choosing between the two, nothing can be said since both the processes are considered to be equally significant. However, ineffective content creation really does not help the content promotion as it fails to pique the attention of the target market. On the other hand, good content creation with low content promotion does not easily reach the customers, resulting is low feedback and followers in the long run.

The Art of Balancing Content Creation and Promotion

Importance of Efficient Content Creation

Content creation can be difficult for people who are not really aware of it. It is essential to create good content beforehand in order to attract the customers. The process of content creation and promotion is linked to each other and both become worthless even if one is ineffective. Therefore, in the beginning, interesting and well-written content must be written for the purpose of promoting it in the long run.

Benefits of Efficient Content Promotion

Since content promotion is equally as important as content creation, individuals are recommended to give a good amount of attention to it in order to avoid any kind of shortage in the target audience in the near future. It is essential to publish content at as many sites as possible in order to give it an adequate amount of coverage and promotion. Without promotion, content ceases to exist and acquires extremely low rankings in the search engines, which is likely to ruin all the chances of possible promotion in the long run. Effective content promotion allows many WebPages and blogs to achieve a high status and ranking in the search engines, resulting in higher web traffic on a daily basis.

Preventing Audience and Content Shortage

A balance between content creation and promotion is a must in order to achieve success. Even if one ignores, then the other is not likely to act the way it is supposed to. The fact that bad content creation ends up in audience shortage and bad content promotion ends up in content shortage gives all the more reason for people to maintain an appropriate balance between the two. The one and only way to do so is to take both the processes seriously and to attend to both the content creation and promotion on an equal basis.

The Art of Balancing Content Creation and Promotion

Acquiring Content Harmony

The main strategy for creating a balance between both the processes is to indulge in content harmony. According to a lot of research and professionals, content harmony can be achieved through the correct usage of both the content creation and promotion and that too, on the right time. The results are going to be much better than just following content creation or content promotion. Good content creation can be satisfactory for the time being but it undoubtedly results in a shortage of audience in the long run and the same is the case with promotion as it tends to create a vast content shortage.

Content Creation and Promotion for a Successful Marketing Campaign

An effective process of employing both the content promotion and creation ends up in a successful content strategy which enables people to earn a good amount of profit in the long run. Businesses must really follow both the strategies in order to excel in content creation and promotion. Content harmony is something which can be easily achieved by hard work and determination. All marketing campaigns can be easily successful if people try and concentrate on both the content related and promotional aspects of their business in the long run.

Our guest blogger, Jordon, has varied and broad career in the technology world and he is one of the most experienced SEO writers who love to spread the knowledge through his informative contents. His articles mostly cover the exact step by step working procedure and current research, inventions in the technology field. His most of the case studies can be found on Climb Digital.

How To Deal With Social Media When On Holidays

If you’re a small business owner, you may be going away at some stage over the summer. As wonderful as summer holidays are, they also create a degree of trepidation as regards your business.

Finding the correct balance between escaping work when away and also maintaining some degree of control and ensuring everything is working well can be hard. As you full well know, social media can take hours and needs regular attention. However, you will still want a break of some sort – so how best to partially automate social media when away to ensure things are ticking over – we take a look.

Quality not Quantity

The key to getting some time away from social is down to first deciding on a quality not quantity philosophy. One great piece whether created or shared by you is worth ten average pieces in the social media sphere.


Finding good content for curation and channelling it to one place can be easily achieved with a little organisation prior to you going away. The likes of Feedly and among others are great feeds for finding worthy content.

XYDO is also a good app for personal curation and allows you to find personalised content that is relevant to your business and worthy of sharing with your audiences. Set a couple of these apps up before you head for warmer climes and finding content worthy of sharing should be a lot easier.


There are a number of fantastic tools out there that can make for excellent additions and are fantastic for automation purposes. Our own favourite Bufferapp allows you to line up those sharing prospects for the times that best suit your own specific social media accounts. A few minutes each day or every few days when away topping up your Buffer can work wonders when you’re away. It saves you time, effort and ensure you maintain a good relationship with followers when away from the desk.

Apps such as Hootsuite and Tweetdeck also provide you with plenty of benefits too. These are ideal for more generic tweets and shares and allow you to schedule times that suit you. These shares can be prepared for as far in advance as you like, though they will obviously smell of automation to some degree.

However, we find at mysocialagency that apps like Hootsuite allow you the opportunity to monitor other people’s content, check up on analytics and monitor conversations – also beneficial when away.


On a lot of levels, the most important thing is discipline. How many of us begin our social media task, whether at work or at home, and then end up being distracted and performing numerous other tasks? Setting a time limit for how long or how much management you’re going to do each day and sticking to it limits the time and stress involved and ensures you don’t feel bad for not spending more time on task.

It’s nice to get away from it all and these apps will help you almost do so completely by increasing efficiency and lowering time spent in front of the screen. What are your tips for keeping your social media ticking over when away?

Martin Sheen is a lover of technology. He also loves getting away from the screen and traveling the world.

Importance Of Updating Your Website’s Content

Importance Of Updating Your Website's Content

Making a well written, organized and efficient website is a vital element in online marketing and it can make or break a website. It doesn’t matter when a website was created, what matters is how fresh, up to date and accurate the content is.

The Internet plays a very significant role in the lives of many individuals. In the span of 10 years, the internet has gone from being a novelty, to becoming a vital tool in  everyone’s life.  Some people even use it to order groceries, while others connect with friends and family members. For some it helps to earn cash while others use it to pay bills. It is clear that the Internet is a very dynamic and ever changing and evolving tool.  Therefore, it’s imperative that frequent website maintenance must be implemented so your visitors get the best content and user experience.

The Importance of Updating Your Website’s Content

On every website there are about two kinds of content: that is the one that is dynamic and the one that is static. Static content includes some things like, contact pages, FAQ’s, and About Us, whereas dynamic ones include the blog or news section. Dynamic content is supposed to be occasionally updated and therefore should be of high quality every time. The same is true of static content, however it does not require frequent maintenance.

During a website’s content update, it is important to make sure that the content is always fresh and relevant and personally crafted. Most new search algorithms require that content be fairly drafted for someone’s eye instead of search spiders.  For this reason more emphasis should be put on original, high quality content that is never limited to ‘keyword’ terms, but rather it should also include infographics, citations as well as videos.

If a webmaster doesn’t make updates for a certain period of time, it will not be able to compete within it’s market. This means lower search visibility, a lower ranking on Google and, thus, less exposure to potential clients.

Therefore, getting multiple people to take care of your blog can be a way to maintain and keep your content fresh on net.  You will encounter times that people you hire to write content for you don’t write the best all the time, or they make some errors in judgement, grammar or spelling but you’ll still be seen on the net and being seen and making mistakes once in a while is part of growing and being human.  A good client will appreciate that, whereas a neurotic client that thinks you must be perfect all the time is not the one you want anyhow.

This guest post was written by Ludwing a programmer and web developer in New York. Zinzzchat Founder. Application that helps people share their favorite blogs and websites. Follow @LudwingNY.

Outside The Box Creative Marketing Tips

Business people should all know the importance of online marketing. Furthermore, from SEO to social media, we should all know the tactics, ways and methods of advertising and promoting a business, service or product online. However, there is also a plethora of online marketing tactics that aren’t as known or thought of as much. Here are a few online marketing tips and strategies that will require a bit of thinking outside of the box.

Video is King among content marketing

Video is a Content King

When it comes to optimizing and creating online presence through content, a lot of SEOs and online marketers choose to go for written content as the surest means. Now written content is king, and blogs and articles are vital for online marketing, however video is also a content king that cannot be ignored.

Google love videos, as do most internet users. YouTube, along with a host of other video sharing websites should therefore be utilized to the maximum in order to draw more interest in for a brand.

Start Up a Blog

Starting up a blog in order to draw attention around your business is such a basic internet marketing idea that it should not even be defined as creative, or ‘outside of the box’. However, there are surprisingly still plenty of businesses without an online blog, which suffer because of this limitation.

The internet has revived humanity’s love for reading, and while most aren’t quite on Shakespeare’s level of literature, blogs fulfill our need to read. Build a blog around the field you’re marketing within and ensure that your opinions are intelligent, original and insightful. Make sure that your blog is identifiably linked with your business. If this is done correctly, readers will begin to align their positive thoughts on your blog to your business and products.

For example, if people think your fashion blog is a trustworthy authority on fashion, then they will trust your authority on the clothes you sell.

Online press

Online Press

Marketing online through literature isn’t all about self-blogging however. You should find online magazines, blogs and online newspapers and try to get other sources to write articles on your business or products.

Conduct an outreach campaign using Outreachr, and find as many potential blogs or magazines that will want to write about your business, or write an article that is hyperlinked to your business.

Make sure that these websites have customers reading their articles and a high domain authority.

A website with a low domain authority, won’t be worth very much as Google only really values websites with a strong online presence when ranking.

It is also important to ensure that these blogs have a fair amount of readers (which usually correlates with their domain authority).

The written content should not be duplicated either and last but not least, the articles written on your business should be of high quality. After all, you will of course want people to read these articles and no one will waste their time with material that isn’t engaging or content that is poorly written.

Our guest post is by Stephen Brian

a content writer and webmaster who lives in the Kent, England.