Category Archives: CSS4

How to Make a Website – Understanding and Writing HTML

Photo Credits: c4learn

Maybe you would like to develop a web page or maybe you would like to make nameplates for a website or perhaps you could just be wanting to learn how to control the comments you get on your website all of these things require some knowledge of HTML.

You can easily make a presence on the web by just simply using the social media then creating a personal landing page. However, if you would like to create your own unique website then you will need to learn both CSS and HTML. In this How to start your own blog tutorial we will give you some steps that will greatly help you with creating your own blog and website.

Here is what you will need to have before getting started:

  • A text editor that is plain so this way you can write HTML

  • A web browser that you like because you will need to test out the HTML

  • You must be willing to have a desire to learn HTML

The good news you won’t need much in order to get started on creating your website.

Photo Credits : Graphics_Html

How To Get A Plain Text Editor

If you would like to write HTML then what you will need to get is a plain text editor. One text editor that is not free but is a good one is Textmate but there are other HTML editors which are free such as Notepad ++ on Windows or either Kod on the Mac. Just do a quick research and you will find many other available text editors for either Mac or Windows or for other operating systems.

Understanding HTML Documents

HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. It’s a lot of texts that you have saved in the document type mode and the browser then identifies that type as HTML. Images on web pages are known as a text that is part of HTML documents.

HTML documents simply just provide instructions which are text based and those instructions can be interpreted on the web browser. The page text in the tags get encapsulated. You can add in line breaks, images and much more when you use HTML documents.

What Do Tags Mean?

A tag is usually used with HTML in order to help with specifying the elements that might be required on the page and then this way the browser knows how to render those things. A set of these type of tags might look something like this:

All of the HTML document that you are currently working on would go inside the tags. The end of the tag usually has / right before HTML. The reason why is because this / helps with the tag being able to close. If you would like to have bold then here is one example of what you would do:
You will find other ways to make the text bold but that is the most common way to make your text bold.

What Is The Basic Structure of HTML Documents?

This is one example of how a basic HTML document structure would look like:
The HTML tags will be located at the head along with the body tags. The reason why is because the head tag helps to encapsulate the information which might not be going on the display page directly. This is just one example of a basic structure of HTML documents on the web but should be enough to help you with understanding it.

Study and Research On How To Make Websites Online

The more you study and research on how to make websites online then the more knowledge you will gain of HTML.

Kennu singh is a real estate agent. He is working in this field for many years.  In his spare time he mostly goes to Philadelphia Real Estate for Sale


Creating and Designing a Brilliant White Website Is An Art?

Today we will be learning about the Anatomy of Colors. Just take a look around and you will see the color white. It’s in your house, at the place you work and it’s somewhere outside. The reason why is because white is both elegant and clean. White is complete and it’s perfection. Absolute is shown through the color white and it represents freedom and it comes loaded with opportunities. White is very important in web design but sometimes creating a web design in white might be difficult.

Photo Credits: G Designer

1. Clean Up Content Clutter With White

When you use the color white you’ll be able to expand space that you might need on your website. This makes a wonderful color to use for interior design plus many enjoy using white for decorating their homes. White can even help with seperating the content on web pages and gives it a clean look. If you have a lot of content on your website it might be overwhelming. Using white is a great way to make your website look clean and not cluttered.

2. Cultural Things To Consider

White is the universal color for both peace and social harmony. If you want to have a house and paint it white then you know it will be a peaceful home. Legend has it that if you have white doors then people entering your house will leave evil on the outside and no evil will be able to enter your home.

White is also used in religions such as Christianity and it’s a symbol of lordship, faith, purity and with truth. It stands for the beginning if white is in clothes. A symbol of justice is wearing white wigs. A symbol of salvation is a white knight. Hospital workers would wear white clothes as a symbol of both cleanliness and salvation.

There are a few cultures in the Indian and Mediterranean countries where white might be used as the color for mourning, however in many places it is a color of purity. European countries use it as the color for traditional wedding dresses because white symbolizes innocence and purity.

3. The Benefits That Comes From Using The Color White

Most people agree that white is immediately associated with purity and cleanliness. When you are designing and creating a website one of the main goals you should have is for your website to be clean. If everything is scattered then you will lose your audience fast.

The picture above is a wonderful example of a white and clean website. Everything looks user-friendly, readable and it looks extremely nice. You know where all of the pages are on the site and the images just all blend in together. The site looks simple and the content on the site is placed very well and easy to find.

4. Using White Templates and Layouts

If you find yourself struggling with coming up with a good white template or layout then search the web. You will find thousands of white templates and designs that you can use for your website. Some of the templates might even inspire you with coming up with a unique white design for your website.


Looking at a white website is not only easy on the eyes but it is also calming. It can create a serene feeling and make people want to come back and visit your website again. Creating a website that is white is wonderful for both personal and business websites. Having a white website means having a successful website.

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What is CSS 4 Media Queries?

CSS4 What is it going to be like?

Well, the next generation of Media Queries, CSS 4 Media Queries, was officially made public last year with the last edit in December 2012. Here is the editor’s draft. As I stated, CSS3 Media Queries was mainly focused on the ability to change the format of content for different screen sizes and resolutions. CSS 4 Media Queries, on the other hand, is set to handle a variety of input methods and other capabilities of different devices, and allow for differing presentation depending upon the device capabilities. So far, there are several new media features and others that are basically more descriptive features of previous versions of CSS. Below is a list and link to all of them thus far:

Media Features:

A feature I found useful and interesting is the ‘hover’ media feature. The ‘hover’ media feature can be used to query whether or not the primary pointing system used on an output device is capable of hovering. If it is capable, the value will be designated ‘1’ if not the value will be ‘0’.
If a device has multiple pointing devices, some of which support hovering and some of which do not, the specification recommends that the UA reports the hovering ability of the least capable of the primary pointing devices. For example, on a touch screen device the value of the ‘hover’ media query should be 0, even if an optional mouse (which is capable of hovering) is attached.
I think it’s great that they’re working on this feature simply because there have been many times when I have gone to a mobile website and they have hover drop-downs that don’t work correctly with touch screens. Resolving this will make a much better user experience especially as our experiences online become more touchscreen oriented.
More information on the ‘hover’ media feature can be found in the editors working draft here.

Another feature that can be useful for mobile devices is the luminosity feature. Here is an excerpt from

The ‘luminosity’ media feature is used to query about the ambient luminosity in which the device is used, to allow the author to adjust style of the document in response. The following values are valid:

The device is used in a dim environment, where excessive contrast and brightness would be distracting or uncomfortable to the reader. For example: night time, or a dimly illuminated indoor environment.
The device is used in a environment with a level of luminosity in the ideal range for the screen, and which does not necessitate any particular adjustment.
The device is used in an exceptionally bright environment, causing the screen to be washed out and difficult to read. For example: bright daylight.

Although there are no browsers that support the new CSS4 features, usually Chrome is the first to adopt the latest CSS features. Either way I’ll let you know when browsers get up to speed.

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