Category Archives: Copywriting

Three Ways To Make Your Tweets Stand Out From The Rest

make your tweets stand outWith so many people on Twitter these days it can be difficult to make your tweets stand out from all the others.  This is particularly true when you have people who are following a lot of people following you.  How can you ensure that they are seeing your tweets and that they even care about what you are writing?  It is not enough to have a Twitter account to promote your business if your tweets are being skipped by your followers.  The following are three ways that you can use to make your tweets stand out from the rest and to generate more interest in your company.

Write a Headline Not a Tweet

One thing you can do is to look at your tweet as more of a headline for a newspaper rather than worrying about staying within the character count.  You want to grab the attention of your readers immediately so it needs to catch their eye.  Think of the days when newspapers ruled the information sector and think about how the writers would use shocking or catchy titles for their stories to engage readers.  This is how you should think about your tweets and if you do this, you will get people to read them.  If the post is too long for Twitter, then you can always add a link that takes your reader to the full story.

Link to Your Products

If you are promoting a product then you have to include a link to the product’s page on your website.  People are typically lazy when it comes to the internet and even if they really want to purchase the product they won’t go through much hassle to get it.  You may find that there are some who will go to your website without the link but they are not the norm.  Make it easy on your customers to find your website because you can bet your competitors are offering links.  Also, there is some legitimacy to a tweet that has a link so your followers won’t think that you are spamming them.

Use Statistics to Make a Point

There is nothing better than reading a tweet that offers a strange or interesting statistic.  These tweets tend to be retweeted more than many other types of tweets.  When you get more retweets then you have a better chance of gaining more followers.  Unless you want to buy them and keep it a secret then you need to find creative ways to get people to follow you.  Again, make sure you provide the link that backs up the statistic you provided or people may think that you are making things up off the top of your head.

It is not enough to have a Twitter account; you also need to provide tweets that get the attention of your followers.  You can think of your tweets like the headline of a news story or use interesting statistics to get the attention of the readers.  Also make sure to link to any pertinent article or to your products website when necessary.

Our guest blogger, Amber Christy has been a power tweeter for four years and has been actively promoting her business on Twitter.

Landing Page Design: Creating Killer Landing Pages

Landing Page DesignLanding Page Design: How to Create Killer Landing Pages

If you engage in online advertising to increase traffic to your site and are not utilizing landing pages, you have failed. Landing pages are a critical part of improving conversions, boosting your ROI and increasing leads. Let’s take a closer look:

What is a Landing Page?

A landing page is a web page designed to capture a visitor’s information through a form on your website. Companies utilizing email, display or social advertising campaigns should always send their traffic to a targeted landing page.

Unfortunately, instead many companies send visitors to the home page and end up wasting valuable marketing dollars. Failure to send a targeted stream of traffic coming to your site to an appropriate landing page results in the loss of revenue and major opportunity.

What differentiates you from the competition?

Your landing pages should always be easy to read, to navigate and above all else should clearly communicate what it is you want the visitor to do and the value you are providing them.

Other Critical Elements to Include:


Always offer something of value to your audience. Not only does this begin establishing and building a relationship but they need a reason to give you their information – and it needs to be good. Begin by establishing your goals – what do you want them to do – and go from there. If your goal is to collect emails you could come up with a valuable offer, such as a free e-book or exclusive discount, in return for a newsletter signup or simply providing their contact information.

Compelling Headline.

Write clear and concise headlines. When someone arrives on your page it should be consistent with what they expected to see based on the link they clicked on to arrive there.

Web Writing.

Do not ask for unnecessary, personal information – most people will become suspicious or annoyed by a company that is asking for too information. For instance, often times when I am asked to enter my phone number the first thing I think is, “Are they going to call me?” and then I click the back button. Always use an engaging call-to-action as the text for your button. Avoid using words like “submit” but instead use things like “download your free whitepaper” or “register for free”.

Limit Text.

Limit your text by being as concise as possible. Break up text using visual cues like photos or graphs. Split up ideas into subcategories with their own headlines and use bullet point lists.

Limit Navigation.

Eliminate distractions and highlight your primary goal or call-to-action. Limiting navigation helps to avoid a visitor getting sidetracked or clicking on a different offer and leaving the page without completing your goal. Keep the form above the fold or consider including an additional call-to-action placed above the fold so your user doesn’t have to scroll down to convert.


Create two almost identical landing pages and test which headlines or images convert better with your target audience. Always continue to test, incorporating the elements from the winner and constantly improving your conversion rates.

Our guest blogger James Larson is a Copywriter for Minneapolis Web Design. When he isn’t dreaming up the next big idea for their clients’ web and content strategy, James is traveling the world with his band and living life to the fullest.

Seven Tips For Engaging And Traffic Generating Content

content marketingWebsites tend to be the first place that your customers turn to in order to find the information about your company, products or services that they want. Most businesses today know that having an online presence is important, which is why most companies today have a website.

Along with simply having a website, the content on your website is important. You need to make sure that your site contains information that your audience wants, and you also want to make sure it includes the information that will give you a better chance at having a solid SEO strategy.

In order to create the best possible content for your website, you need to implement the following tips.

1. Be concise.

Internet users don’t have hours to spend reading the content on your website, so don’t bombard them with long pages full of copy. In fact, if a reader believes that your content is too long, they’re not going to stay and read what you have to say. Make sure that your content is clear and concise. Don’t write fluff copy. Instead, stick to the point, and give your readers exactly what they want.

2. Use headers.

Most Internet users will scan websites before deciding whether or not they’re going to read the copy. This is why it’s extremely important to use headers on your website. This allows you to break your content up into appropriate sections and allows your readers to easily find what it is that they’re looking for.

3. Format appropriately.

The format of your content is important. If your content is formatted in a way that allows your readers to find information in a clear and easy way, it’s going to attract them to your site. Be sure to keep your paragraphs short, use bullet points when appropriate, and always bold your headings. The better your content is formatted, the more attractive it will be for your audience.

4. Stay active.

Your readers are scanning your content in real time, so make sure that you are always using active voice and calls to action to help your audience stay interested in your content and stay on your site.

5. Proofread your work.

The last thing you want to do is work hard on content, publish it, and find that you have spelling or grammatical mistakes. Make sure that you are always proofreading your work before you launch it live on your site. Have other people read through the content to ensure it’s perfect, and even use a spelling and grammar checker like Grammarly grammar check online tool to help ensure your content is complete and error free.

6. Add content to all pages.

Search engine crawlers will look at every web page that has content, so in order to give your website the best advantage for being ranked on search engines, you want to make sure you have content on every page. Even a sentence or two can help boost your site’s rankings.

7. Don’t forget about your images.

Images and videos on your site should have alt tags that contain content. These items are also scanned by search engines, so adding keywords to these videos and images will help your site’s SEO strategy.

Our Guest Blogger – John Martinez is a marketer and freelance writer currently living in San Francisco. John loves teaching interactive marketing and SEO techniques.

Why You Should Be A Social CEO

Three-quarters of executives wants their chief executive officer to become the social face of their brand, a new study from KRC Research and Weber Shandwick has revealed.

That’s because eight in 10 executives believe CEO sociability improves company reputation. 630 executives were interviewed and the vast majority wants their CEOs to use social media channels and engage with customers more frequently.

The benefits of a social CEO

The report actually predicts that the number of CEOs participating in social media will increase by 50 per cent in the next five years as people’s need to put a face to a brand and see who’s behind a company grows.

Some companies may be tempted to offload this responsibility on someone other than the CEO, but it should remembered that with a unique position comes a unique ability to influence how people feel about a company.

A social CEO can:

• Humanise the company

• Boost the company’s reputation

• Improve business results

• Show the company is innovative

• Set a social example for employees

Clearly all these duties can be carried out by someone other than a CEO, but it’s very rare for a company to have an employee who is better placed to lead from the front on these matters.

So, it’s time for CEOs to start taking social media seriously and learn how to use it to their businesses’ benefit.

They need to understand that social media takes time and it’s not just about updating the company’s blog or a social account like Facebook or LinkedIn with annoying promotional messages that customers will probably ignore.

CEOs should use social platforms to engage with conversation with existing and potential customers. They also need to understand that their social media activity should revolve around their audience. It’s all about the needs, wants and desires of the people a firm is trying to reach. It shouldn’t be all about the company.

The CEO Blogger

A blog is a great way to introduce a CEO to customers as it provides a solid platform to which other social activities can be anchor.

However, content needs to be well-written and helpful. Try and stay away from dull posts about what you had for breakfast and instead focus on tips and advice that will help people out.

Engaging in conversation and replying to comments will help gain customers’ trust, especially if they come right from the top.

In fact, the report showed that 32 percent of the executives with a socially active CEO believed comments posted by CEOs on social media channels are more credible, compared to 24 percent of executives who deemed CEO comments quoted by news media to be more credible.

The habits of highly social CEOs

Aside from blogging, Weber Shandwick’s report outlines several habits of highly social CEOs. These are:

1. Using a bigger set of social tools

2. Maintaining a presence on the company website

3. Writing their own content

4. Acting spontaneously but not becoming too informal

5. Engaging a wider variety of external stakeholders

Having a social CEO can bring so many benefits to a business so long as the CEO understands what social media is and doesn’t see it as a tool to push the company’s products and services on their customer’s feeds.

Guest post Alex Gavril – part of the 123-reg blog team. The company is the UK’s largest provider of domain names and offers a range of services including web hosting.