Category Archives: Business Tech

Eight Tips For Driving Targeted Traffic with Quora

If you’re after backlinks, you have nothing if not choices. One choice that many people seem to miss however is Often billed as Yahoo Answers on steroids, Quora is a Q&A site/social network that’s grown increasingly popular in recent years.

Quora backlinks might be no follow but that doesn’t stop them being highly reputable. And more importantly, the Q&A nature of the website often makes them an excellent source of highly targeted direct traffic.

If you’d like to increase your website or blogs exposure with Quora, here are eight simple tips for doing just that.

Create a Winning Profile

First off, if you’re new to Quora, you’re going to want to invest some time in your profile. Special care should be taken when choosing both your avatar and tagline. Both will be displayed every time you post something. You should also include a few personal details together with any niche relevant professional experience. The better your profile, the more people will visit your website to learn more about you.

Follow the Right Topics and Users

Quora allows you to select the kind of questions that you’re most interested in by choosing both topics and users to follow. Take the time to choose topics that are relevant to your niche and users who are actively discussing it. Once you’ve done this, you’ll be greeted with relevant questions every time you log in to Quora. This is one of the things that makes Quora so valuable, not only for traffic, but also for new content ideas.

Quality Matters

If you’ve built backlinks on Yahoo Answers, you’re likely to have noticed that the amount of traffic you get is largely dependent on the quality of your answers. On Quora, quality is even more important. The best answers get up voted to the top of the page, the worst answers get down voted to the bottom. If you want results on Quora, taking the time to craft answers that people actually value is therefore crucial.

Learn What Makes a Popular Answer

Get liked on Quora for authority

If you’re not sure what constitutes a good answer on Quora, the easiest way to educate yourself on the matter is to simply spend time browsing the site. You’re likely to find that the best answers are typically:

Written by somebody who’s well qualified to answer

Very detailed, with references where applicable.

Written in easy to understand, non-technical language.

Entertaining and enjoyable to read.

Answer the Right Questions

quality and quantity is important on Quora

Unlike Yahoo Answers, being the first to answer a question on Quora offers no real advantage. When choosing questions to answer, you should instead focus on both the number and type of followers. Are they people who are actually likely to visit your website? You should also look at the existing answers and ask yourself whether or not you’re capable of writing something better.

Ask Your Own Questions

Ask on Quora for authority

If you want to make the most of your time on Quora, don’t limit yourself to other peoples conversations, start your own. Here are a few tips for asking questions that get attention:

Don’t ask questions that have already been asked.

Ask questions that genuinely make people think.

Ask questions that are relevant to your website but don’t be obvious.

Include long tail keywords to get your questions ranked in Google.

Be Tactful

Be tactful on Quora

While there’s certainly nothing wrong with joining Quora solely for promotional purposes, if you want your content to stick, excessive self promotion needs to be avoided.

Don’t link to your blog unless it actually contains relevant information. Don’t talk yourself up, let your answers speak for themselves. Focus on providing a quality answer first, and building a backlink second.

Connect with People

Finally, while there’s no denying the value of Quora for driving traffic, don’t forget that it can also be a powerful tool for connecting with other people in your niche. Quora is, after all, a social network. And if you want to truly harness its power, it’s important to actually be social.

Take the time to engage with the community. Be helpful and don’t be afraid to discuss topics that are not directly associated with your niche. Engage with the Quora community and you’ll be rewarded with more than just traffic.

This post has been contributed by Jake Cornwall, an employee at Vayu Media, an internet marketing firm. He is very passionate about photography and he shares his ideas, as well as suggestions, through blogging.

Why The Surface Pro 2 Is The Perfect Device For Web Entrepreneurs

surface 2If you run a website or blog, do SEO for a living or design websites, then you are a ‘web entrepreneur’. That makes you a particular kind of person and we can thus infer a few things about the way you probably live your life. Chances are that you travel a fair amount while you work, you are probably self-employed and you probably have at least some interest in gadgets and technology.

As such, you are probably the kind of person that Microsoft is targeting with their Surface Pro line of products and you should probably be interested in the recent news of Surface Pro 2 which is now just around the corner. Unveiled at the recent ‘Surface Event’, the Pro 2 aims to be everything that a tech entrepreneur could possibly need and it would seem they might just be correct. Read on to find out why…

What is the Surface?


The Surface Pro 2 is of course the natural evolution of the Surface Pro. This is a tablet ‘slate’ device that runs full Windows using 4 Gigabytes of RAM and an Intel i5 processor. In short, whereas the iPad is essentially a big smartphone, this is more of a compact PC and can do anything that you would normally use a PC for.

In keeping with this aim, the Surface Pro also came with a kickstand built in and a set of attachable cover accessories with built-in keyboards for inputting text quickly. Combine this with the pressure sensitive Wacom stylus and you have a device that’s highly productive but also convenient to hold in one hand when you just want to read the news, when you want to show a client your web design, or when you’re carrying it to the coffee shop under one arm.

Pros of Pro 2

But the Surface Pro in its original form was not for everyone. Why? Well one big issue was the battery life which was only around four hours – low for an ultrabook and really low for a tablet. Another was the kickstand and cover. While these were great features they were lacking when you came to use the device on your lap on the bus, or when you had to rest it on a table much lower than yourself.

The Pro 2 however should address both these issues. The new Haswell processor that is being used will not only greatly improve performance (by 20% reportedly), but will also give the device 75% more battery life (around 7 hours). Throw in a ‘power cover’ and that goes up to around 14 hours.

Meanwhile the Kickstand has been improved to now support two separate viewing angles. This way you can comfortably rest the tablet on your lap and type or on a low down table. Throw in better performance all around and a more colour-accurate screen with better glare resistance and you have a device that’s ideal for those of us who like to work on the go, and who like the sounds of drawing our designs onto the screen with our device on our laps.

Today’s featured writer, Brady Fisher, works at 7 Strategy, a company that offers comprehensive SEO services. He owns a fantastic toolkit and uses it to do restoration work in his spare time.

How Social Media Is Changing The Way Companies Find Staff

Social Media and StaffingIn a very real sense, social media has changed the world (mostly for the better) in recent years. What began as a simple way for friends and family members to stay in touch over the internet and organise their media libraries in one convenient place, has morphed into a global market sector worth billions.  YouTube, Facebook and Twitter are now household names across the globe, even amongst those who might not even own a computer! It’s also started to change the way companies hire their staff. All potential employees will doubtless have some kind of online presence and this is an incredibly useful tool for rooting out potential employees and expanding the profile of the company. Thousands of businesses across the world are using social media to hire new staff. Here we’ll explore how and why your company should be doing likewise.

The Pros

It has been proven that businesses which use social media experience a far less significant turnover of staff. This is primarily because social media networks allow companies to find staff members who are more suited to the job, not just professionally, but personally as well. Most of the top-tier companies are now using social media as their primary source for new employees as it not only works as a means for hiring new staff, but as an incredibly cost-effective marketing campaign. Whilst you’re looking for the best possible people, you can also use the time to expand your company’s brand and get your name out there. There is also the opportunity with social media to build a more tangible and emotional connection to your employees by building a more attractive and personable company brand. The most obvious boon however is the sheer reach you gain from using social media. Social media is fundamentally changing the way business gets done, and it’s not going anywhere anytime soon.

The Cons

To be completely honest the cons are few and far between but they are there. The primary con of course is the potential for fraud. It is quite simple for an outside source to hack into potential staff members Facebook, Twitter or Linked In account and sabotage their personal information. The ‘casual’ nature of sites such as Facebook could also prove a liability as employees might think that their privacy is being ‘invaded’.


Perhaps the first social media site to exist primarily to create connections between employees and employers, having a Linked In profile is fast becoming an absolute necessity if you wish to be taken seriously in the business world. On your LinkedIn Page you can upload your CV, your previous jobs, interests, personal details and (perhaps most importantly) a list of skills that other members of the website can choose to ‘endorse’. For many companies and recruitment firms, Linked In endorsements are incredibly useful tools for gauging whether or not an applicant’s claims can be backed up by their fellow professionals.


The undisputed daddies of social media; more than 60% of recruiters now use Facebook and more than 50% use Twitter. Although Linked In dominates the social media market when it comes to recruitment, the fact that it’s specifically geared towards professionals means that its reach is rather limited. For example, at last count there were 225 million registered Linked In users but Facebook has a staggering 1.15 BILLION. Of course this is only an estimate. The figures are undeniably impressive though and of course Facebook cannot just be used for recruitment, but can be an invaluable tool in expanding your brand and audience awareness.

Top Tips

  • Know your target audience and stick to it. Decide early on which social networking site best suits your needs and focus all of your energy on it. Being a ‘jack-of-all-trades” is not recommended.
  • Be creative. Everyone and their dog will be using the same tactics so try to think outside the box.
  • Always return messages. By having an open dialogue with your audience and potential employees, you’re encouraging growth and will come across as a ‘people focused’ company.
  • Start early. Don’t delay and let your social media profile be the last thing you decide to focus on, if anything, it should be the first thing you focus on as it can be linked to all other aspects of your recruitment campaign.

This guest post was written by Crispin Jones. Before starting work with the team at, Crispin worked for several SME’s and has witnessed recruitment through social media at it’s finest, and at it’s worst. He actually found his current business partner through twitter, and would highly recommend for businesses who can’t afford administrative costs to give social media a go. 

So, What Does It Take To Be An Online Expert?

what does it take to be an online expertMany people profess to be an expert but very few actually succeed and it’s not always through lack of talent, in fact the opposite. There are a lot of hugely talented people out there who have yet to be noticed and the reason for that is technological ignorance. The internet is a pretty incredible creation and it has proved to be the greatest tool to help budding freelancers.

There are lots of online platforms that are there solely for freelancers to show their expert talent to the world. It is such a shame that so many people, whose talent is obviously there, just don’t take advantage of the internet.

There are so many simple ways in which you can increase the effectiveness of your online profile and thus dramatically increase your employability. This article will highlight the main points and provide some guidance about how to do it well.

Grit and Determination

It takes grit and determination to be successful in any career (unless you are an heiress or royalty). You have to have a passion and desire to succeed and provide for your family and yourself. If you have this in your armory then your chance of success is great so long as you have the talent to back you up.

Being a freelance, online expert you have got to be willing to market yourself properly. Your portfolio has to be flawless and innovative, don’t stop until it is perfected, it’s pretty much the easiest way to get noticed so take the appropriate care and ensure that it is constantly updated and kept relevant.

You can’t be successful as a freelancer with grit and determination alone, the natural talent and flare and passion has to be there but if you have that, then its the way you promote yourself online that will secure you work.

In Depth Knowledge

This is a given but I feel it needs to be mentioned. You have got the make yourself the best in the business, the go to guy in your field – you know what type of person I mean. If you select the freelance route in your life then you have got to make sure you won’t make a fool of yourself when questioned by potential employers.

If you know everything there is to know about your area then you will provide a confident and reassuring face for the people who are paying you. It is so important to be transparent on your portfolio, ensure the work is totally yours and make sure that you don’t state anything on there that you can’t answer a detailed question about.

An understanding of your Market

Knowing your competition is important, check out similar experts in your field and assess what you can offer that makes you more employable. If there is nothing, do something about it. Also it may be wise to look through the websites that employers will use, such as, and see what your profile looks like to them.

Ask people what they think and whether it stands out enough compared to the rest of the market. It’s all about refining the detail and if you do this well it can kick start your career as an online expert.

Our guest blogger, Andrew, is an online author with over 5 years freelance experience. He loves to write advisory texts aimed at young professionals.