All posts by Adam Prattler

Play At Least One Of These Top 10 Awesome Android Racing Games

There are loads of android racing games available but you don’t want to waste your time playing the games that might not be fun. I am sure that you are asking yourself what are some of the absolute best racing game apps for android?

Below you will find the top 10 android racing games that you might fall in love with and play for hours.

1. Asphalt 6: Adrenaline HD


Experience arcade racing at its best with Asphalt 6: Adrenaline HD. In this game you will be able to do the following:

  • Build the perfect dream car collection.

  • Get your friends together and race with them.

  • Let the world eat your dust.

  • Play against some of the best and put them to the challenge.

  • Tune everything up to perfection.

The price? Just $1

2. Need For Speed: Shift

What can you expect when you play Need For Speed:Shift on your Android device?

  • Extremely fast cars

  • The ultimate best performance racing action

  • Track, Share and then you will be able to compare your game

  • Incredible iconic tracks

The price? Just $2

3. GT: Motor Academy

GT:Motor Academy offers you a chance to play a fantastic racing simulation on your Android device. Here are some of the things to expect with this game:

  • Enjoy 3D Capabilites

  • Get access to a huge amount of licensed content on your phone

  • Pick from over 100 cars from manufacturers known around the world such as Audi and Ferrari.

The price? It’s free.

4. Raging Thunder 2


You will feel your adrenaline really pumping with Raging Thunder 2. Here is why:

  • It’s a 3d racing action game.

  • It features cross-platform multiplayer games

  • Experience everything from tropical beaches to temples that have been abandoned.

  • Enjoy vista’s that happen to be breathtaking from around the world.

The price? $2

5. Extreme Formula

This is one of those futuristic racing android games that you will enjoy playing. You will have fun with being able to expect the following from this game:

  • Very shiny graphics

  • A huge selection of game modes such as Career and Pro-Race.

  • You can do quick racing when you have 18 Achievements.

The price? Free

6. Mini Motor Racing

Enjoy playing a game that makes you feel reckless. It’s a great combination of modern tech and mixed with nitro boosts to help your engines. Other pros about this game include:

  • A variety of control schemes are available in the user’s selection.

  • Fully loaded 3D Models.

  • Awesome HD graphics

The price? 2.1

7. Wave Blazer

Are you wanting to experience racing in the waves? This water racing android game is loads of fun. Here are some of the things that you will experience with Wave Blazer:

  • It’s a multiplayer Android game.

  • Go into face off mode and compete against the players from around the world.

  • Great water graphics.

The price? $1

8. Turbofly 3D

In the mood for a 3D futuristic racing game? Turbofly 3D has just about everything. Check out some of its unique features:

  • Go into career mode with 22 events.

  • The accelerometer is fantastic.

  • Pick from 8 beautiful 3D landscape tracks.

  • Enjoy 3 game modes being Pursuit, Normal Race and Endurance.

The price? $1

9. Drify Mania Championship

If you love drifting then you will love this game. You can drift fast thru the corners and much more:

  • This game has nice graphics that are smooth.

  • The controls seem to be excellent.

  • It can become a challenge in gameplay.

  • Compete against millions of other drivers.

The price? $1

10. Light Racer 3D Unlocked


This is one of the best light-emitting motorcycle android racing games available. Curious to see what it has to offer?

  • Race to the death in an arena that is 3D.

  • Enjoy 3D effects and views.

  • Play with friends.

The Price? $2.1

Have Fun With Your Android Device

You will find yourself having loads of fun for many hours if you decide to play one of the android racing games on your android device. If you are on a budget then make sure that you check out the free android racing games.

Adam has craze about gaming. Recently he buy home from Occoquan Real Estate.

Online Money Making Ideas

Photo by Fabrizio Van Marciano / Flickr

Want to make some money online? This is not as easy as it once was in the early days of the Internet, but there are still many online money making ideas you can use to supplement your income. If you’re good enough, you may find that you can quit your day job and work at home full time. This is a dream of many people. If it’s one of yours, continue reading to learn more.

Ways to Make Money Online

Here’s a look at some of the more popular ways to make money from home in your spare time – or full time. The best thing about these is that they’re relatively easy to do. Depending on what skills you have, you can make quite a bit of money online.

  • Write Content – One great way to make money from home is to write articles. You’ll need a basic comprehension of the English language and how to put ideas together in an easy to digest manner, but you can make $10/hour or more by writing for other people online in your spare time.

  • Sell Items – If you’re not a writer, you can still sell items online. Many people find collectibles locally at garage sales and then take them to eBay to sell for a profit because there’s a larger (global) market. And if you are artsy, you can create items to sell on or other similar crafting marketplaces online.

  • Design Websites – For geeks who know how to put a website together, there’s a huge market for these skills. A lot of freelance websites exist – like oDesk – where you can place bids on web design work. The amount of money you charge (and make) is really up to you and how good you are at what you do.

  • Flip Websites – If you’re really good at designing websites, this is another great idea that can make you money online. You’ll need to spend some money, but that’s the way to make money in America. Basically, you’ll look on a website like (or other website with greater reputation) to find a website that is making some money but could be improved. After purchasing the website, make beneficial changes and then turn around and sell it again for a hefty profit once it starts doing better.

The good thing about the list of money making ideas above is that they’re all legal and are NOT scams. The sad truth is that there’s a lot of different work at home scams out there these days. As long as you’re careful and stick to the adage (if it sounds too good to be true it probably is not true) then you’re going to be fine. Leave a comment if you have any of your own tips for making money from home that worked for you in the past.

Written by: Writter knows a thing or two about real estate for sale in Reno because he has friends and family who live in the biggest little city in the country.

How to Start a Professional Blog – 10 tips for new Bloggers?

Here Are 10 Easy Tips On How To Start A Professional Blog For Beginners


 Discover Your Blogging Voice

If you plan on doing blogging you need to discover your blogging voice. This will take time to develop and something that you should not rush. You will find that as a beginner you will be going back and forth between advertising, sharing your personal story and doing product design. It might even take up to around a year before your blog goes viral.

The more that you write and the more that you learn from the other people that blog then the more your articles will start to change for the better. Formatting your blog is essential because you can then include photos, posts, links and many other things in it.

When You Come Up With A Topic Then Stay Consistent With Your Topic

You will find that you are either someone that likes to blog throughout the day and post snippets and links or either you might find yourself only blogging just a few posts throughout the week or month. If you are blogger that stays active then the only downfall is that you will need to always be current and up to date with the latest events.

Try To Blog At Least Once A Week

You need to try hard to blog at least once a week in order for people to visit you regularly or else they might just move on and read other blogs. If you can do around 3 to 5 blogs per day then that’s even better. The more you do then the better chance you have of traffic always coming to your blog. However, don’t make the blogs boring. Make sure that they are always meaningful so if you’re very tired maybe you should wait and blog later.

Be Detailed With Your Blogs

Try your best to be as detailed as you can with your blogs and go in deep and connect with your audience. The more that you connect with your audience then the higher chance you have of them coming back again.

Bloggers Seem To Be Connected and Know Each Other

In San Francisco there are many hangouts, events and conferences that take place and most of those connect with the world of blogosphere. Being part of some conference or organization is a great way to expand your blog. Handout flyers to people that you connect with at those conferences or meetings.

Get Ready For Universal Reader Acquisition Strategies

User acquisition for bloggers is often times boring but a necessity. Research and find keywords for your topics and use keywords that people might be researching and not ones they don’t know.

Brainstorm New Topics

Brainstorm new topics, headlines and keywords that might interest people. Try to be unique qith all of your blog posts.

Review The Analytics Daily

Reviewing your analytics daily helps you to understand what all is going on. You can also have interaction with the users that might be passive and don’t leave comments so that way you can figure out how you can serve those people better.

Relax & Don’t Push Yourself Too Hard

It can be hard not overdoing it but when you are a blogger you should be just having fun. Sometimes if you don’t feel like doing it then just take a break and only blog like once or twice a week until you feel like blogging. This way it should always remain fun and something that you enjoy doing.


You can have a very successful blog but sometimes it just takes commitment and patience. If after a year you still might not be having traffic go back and get feedback and see how you can fix up your blog and then continue on. Sometimes it might even take two or three years before you get a lot of readers. Just don’t give up and have fun and in time you will have a blog that is successful.

Sara Xiang is wonderfully equipped with the capabilities of writing a blog and making it famous around the world of web. She has been writing blogs at for a very long time.

5 Gut-wrenching Challenges Faced by Bloggers Today (and How to Counter Them)

The availability of so many blogging platforms online these days made it easier for just about anyone to start their own blog. Even so, it doesn’t mean that all bloggers find it easy to blog consistently without hiccups – there are challenges to be tackled each day, preventing a good blogger from becoming a great one.

Here are the most common challenges almost anyone will potentially face during his or her lifetime as a blogger – which ones do you experience?

1. Challenge #1: Writer’s block

Ahh, if only I had a dime every time I hear this lament uttered by writers everywhere, in and out of the blogosphere: “What do I write about?” The problem here is NOT because there’s a lack of content to write about. Rather, it is the fact that there’s too much information threatening to send the blogger’s brain into overdrive (admit it – you DO have a list of must-read blogs and articles daily, all . And we all know that too much of a good thing can be bad, don’t we?

Challenge accepted: To counter this issue, we need to first go back to our roots. Look at your blog, the first few posts that you’ve written from the beginning, that is. Do you remember just how exciting it was back then, clicking on the “NEW POST” button and tapping away happily late into the night with only a cup of coffee for company and your favorite band singing in the background? Reminisce on that, and relive those memories by doing exactly the same thing. Think about the purpose of your blog, and write about the most basic of all things that would appeal not only to your audience, but to yourself, because that’s why you started your blog in the first place, didn’t you?

If you’re on Twitter, do consider tweeting about your predicament, along with a strategically placed hashtag (i.e. #whatshouldiwriteabout) – it’ll do wonders for your content idea bank.

2. Challenge #2: Lack of comments from visitors

It’s discouraging to wait and wait for comments to flood in especially after you’ve spent the whole night writing a blog post you feel awfully proud about, and then not receiving any feedback.

Challenge accepted: Heard about the old adage “Give, and you shall receive”? If you want the pleasure of seeing comments flooding into your blog, then you should first freely offer them on other blogs. Don’t leave generic comments like “Great job!” but instead, offer constructive comments or a reply that everyone will find valuable.

3. Challenge #3: Zero or little traffic

Most people, with the exception of a few private bloggers, actually put up a blog so that people may appreciate their content, while others want more traffic so that they may capitalize on it. Whatever your reasons are for gaining more traffic, it can be disheartening to see the lack of traffic pouring in.

Challenge accepted: Do what everyone else is doing, and that is to promote your blog via social media. Companies such as SGW swore by social media widgets that can easily help them achieve this. Another method is to identify websites that are similar to your niche and offer to write them a guest post or two. That way when you link back to your site, you’ll have readers from other sites visiting your blog. Voila, more traffic!

4. Challenge #4: No time to blog

Some bloggers find it difficult to be consistent when posting content after the initial euphoria. It may be due to busier days at the workplace or a new baby if the blogger is a mom-to-be, but if you put your heart to it, you WILL find the time to blog.

Challenge accepted: If you own a smartphone, you’ll find that you can blog from just about anywhere using appropriate apps using your mobile device (Squarespace is pretty nifty). You can also consider sending out short but regular tweets, and when you do have the time, you can expand upon these tweets into full-fledged blog posts.

5. Lack of SEO knowledge

If you properly search engine optimize your blog, you may be rewarded with higher rankings than the average blogger who don’t. However, some bloggers bemoan the fact that they are not proficient in SEO enough without realizing that the most basic knowledge is the BEST knowledge.

Challenge accepted: You don’t have to be an SEO genius to start obtaining higher ranks in the search engines. As long as you have great content, a user-friendly design, a good amount of followers and good social media practices, then you’re as good as the next SEO blogger.

5 Gut-wrenching Challenges Faced by Bloggers Today (and How to Counter Them)

The availability of so many blogging platforms online these days made it easier for just about anyone to start their own blog. Even so, it doesn’t mean that all bloggers find it easy to blog consistently without hiccups – there are challenges to be tackled each day, preventing a good blogger from becoming a great one.


Here are the most common challenges almost anyone will potentially face during his or her lifetime as a blogger – which ones do you experience?


1. Challenge #1: Writer’s block


Ahh, if only I had a dime every time I hear this lament uttered by writers everywhere, in and out of the blogosphere: “What do I write about?” The problem here is NOT because there’s a lack of content to write about. Rather, it is the fact that there’s too much information threatening to send the blogger’s brain into overdrive (admit it – you DO have a list of must-read blogs and articles daily, all . And we all know that too much of a good thing can be bad, don’t we?


Challenge accepted: To counter this issue, we need to first go back to our roots. Look at your blog, the first few posts that you’ve written from the beginning, that is. Do you remember just how exciting it was back then, clicking on the “NEW POST” button and tapping away happily late into the night with only a cup of coffee for company and your favorite band singing in the background? Reminisce on that, and relive those memories by doing exactly the same thing. Think about the purpose of your blog, and write about the most basic of all things that would appeal not only to your audience, but to yourself, because that’s why you started your blog in the first place, didn’t you?


If you’re on Twitter, do consider tweeting about your predicament, along with a strategically placed hashtag (i.e. #whatshouldiwriteabout) – it’ll do wonders for your content idea bank.


2. Challenge #2: Lack of comments from visitors

It’s discouraging to wait and wait for comments to flood in especially after you’ve spent the whole night writing a blog post you feel awfully proud about, and then not receiving any feedback.


Challenge accepted: Heard about the old adage “Give, and you shall receive”? If you want the pleasure of seeing comments flooding into your blog, then you should first freely offer them on other blogs. Don’t leave generic comments like “Great job!” but instead, offer constructive comments or a reply that everyone will find valuable.


3. Challenge #3: Zero or little traffic

Most people, with the exception of a few private bloggers, actually put up a blog so that people may appreciate their content, while others want more traffic so that they may capitalize on it. Whatever your reasons are for gaining more traffic, it can be disheartening to see the lack of traffic pouring in.


Challenge accepted: Do what everyone else is doing, and that is to promote your blog via social media. Companies such as SGWDallas swore by social media widgets that can easily help them achieve this. Another method is to identify websites that are similar to your niche and offer to write them a guest post or two. That way when you link back to your site, you’ll have readers from other sites visiting your blog. Voila, more traffic!


4. Challenge #4: No time to blog

Some bloggers find it difficult to be consistent when posting content after the initial euphoria. It may be due to busier days at the workplace or a new baby if the blogger is a mom-to-be, but if you put your heart to it, you WILL find the time to blog.


Challenge accepted: If you own a smartphone, you’ll find that you can blog from just about anywhere using appropriate apps using your mobile device (Squarespace is pretty nifty). You can also consider sending out short but regular tweets, and when you do have the time, you can expand upon these tweets into full-fledged blog posts.


5. Lack of SEO knowledge

If you properly search engine optimize your blog, you may be rewarded with higher rankings than the average blogger who don’t. However, some bloggers bemoan the fact that they are not proficient in SEO enough without realizing that the most basic knowledge is the BEST knowledge.


Challenge accepted: You don’t have to be an SEO genius to start obtaining higher ranks in the search engines. As long as you have great content, a user-friendly design, a good amount of followers and good social media practices, then you’re as good as the next SEO blogger.