The Use Of Rel=’Author’ In SEO Posts And Articles

Search engines like Google are always on the lookout for ways to identify websites with authentic high quality content, from spam sites using poor keyword-stuffed content in an attempt to increase their rankings. Google’s most recent algorithms were created to help improve the quality of search rankings, ensuring that users are always privy to the best and most relevant results for their searches. One of the latest tools Google has used to improve search quality is the Rel=Author attribute. In this article we are going to discuss how it works and the impact it has had on SEO posts and articles.

Using the Rel=Author attribute to link back to your Google profile helps search engines recognise your content has being legitimate.

What is Rel=Author?

The Rel=Author attribute is used by writers to let Google and other search engines know that their work is legitimate. Basically they tag the content they have written with a link back to their profile. It is fairly straight forward to set up and is particularly useful for writers than produce guest posts on other websites and blogs. All you need to do is insert the attribute with a link back to your Google Plus profile at the bottom of your post. For example the author will write ‘By Joe Bloggs’ using the Rel=Author attribute to link their name back to their profile. You then need to add a link to the website or blog you contribute to, to your ‘contribute to’ section on your Google Plus profile. It could not be simpler!

How does it help search engines?

Using Rel=Author helps search engines to understand the authority of a website and trust the person that has written the content. It also makes it much easier to identify spammers that have stolen content from other websites. If a spammer takes the content from a website using the Rel=Author attribute, this will be picked up by Google, as the link will be visible within the content. This attribute can also help to improve search experiences as even if a website has a low page rank, if the author (marked as Rel=Author) has authority, the content will be valued higher by search engines.

Using the Rel=Author attribute can help search engines to improve their search results and filter out spam websites.

Benefits for the SEO content writer

Along with improving a website’s credibility, using the Rel=Author attribute can also benefit the website in terms of visibility. Displaying the image of the writer of the content next to the search result is likely to generate higher click through rates. Using the image gives the search result authenticity and gives it a greater chance of it being clicked on by users.

For writers of SEO articles and blog posts, the attribute is also beneficial in terms of personal brand building. Readers will begin to associate your face (displayed in your author image) with your blog and the content you produce for other blogs that you guest post on. Connecting the content you write to your profile will help you gain recognition for your opinions on niche subjects of interest.


Search engines like Google appear to be attempting to transform the World Wide Web from a place of anonymity to a place made up of identities. Google’s latest use of algorithms like Penguin have shown that they are keen to filter out spam and move away from keywords and meaningless backlinks in their consideration of websites’ search engine optimisation. Rel=Author has already proved to be very popular with SEO content creators looking to gain recognition for their high quality work and build up a credible reputation online. The recent emphasis on author ranking suggests that it will play a significant role in future organic search rankings and is something that all businesses looking to improve their SEO should consider implementing into their content.

Written by Nathan Griffiths who recommends this SEO Company Hertfordshire based in the UK.

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